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Simpson Case

I purchased this brush a couple of months ago and have used maybe ten times. I like the brush but it sheds and sheds. Every time I've used it, I lose maybe a dozen hairs. I've never had this experience with my bigger brushes.

Is this typical of this brush? If not, is there an easy solution? I feel like it's been in my possession too long to contact the online vendor from which I purchased it.
Matt, I certainly wouldn't consider 2 months an unreasonable amount of time. Definitely contact the vendor. Although only used 10 times, a dozen hairs is still excessive. Simpson stand behind their brushes. If the online vendor fails to satisfy, then contact Mark Watterson directly at Tel: +44 (0) 1624 676030
Fax: +44 (0) 1624 662056
Email: [email protected]
David is correct, Simpson will stand behind their brushes. I think that the amount of hair loss you describe is excessive and not typical of Simpson quality. If your vendor does not stand behind the brush contact Simpson directly.




B&B's Man in Italy
Matt, I certainly wouldn't consider 2 months an unreasonable amount of time. Definitely contact the vendor. Although only used 10 times, a dozen hairs is still excessive. Simpson stand behind their brushes. If the online vendor fails to satisfy, then contact Mark Watterson directly at Tel: +44 (0) 1624 676030
Fax: +44 (0) 1624 662056
Email: [email protected]

This fine English Gentleman gave the best answer possible. Hence a huge +1!
I have a Case and really enjoy it and I've only lost less than 10 hairs during the last few months I've had it.

I don't think my Case has shed more than a dozen hairs in all the time I've had it (over a year). It has been on a number of trips, and even in rotation at home occasionally. My only complaint is the handle does not hook over the edge of my bowl very well.:huh: I can live with that. I would contact the vendor if yours is shedding as much as you say.


System Generated
hope you get it worked out soon....once you do, you will have a fine brush.

i purchased the Case/Tube for camping and it's a pleasure to use travelling and see's home use when i use a smaller soap container.

super soft, comfortable handle and nice blooming knot. not too dense, not too floppy, perfect for face lathering.
Ungerwoo-hey. I'm in the same boat with my Case. I've used it about the same amount as you, since purchasing in January-but it's started shedding the last couple times about 6-12 hairs per shave. Didn't do this at all in the beginning. I've contacted my vendor to see what my options are. Don't think it's anything with my technique because none of my (many) other brushes have had hardly any shedding at all to speak of. I'll keep you posted.

I purchased this brush a couple of months ago and have used maybe ten times. I like the brush but it sheds and sheds. Every time I've used it, I lose maybe a dozen hairs. I've never had this experience with my bigger brushes.

Is this typical of this brush? If not, is there an easy solution? I feel like it's been in my possession too long to contact the online vendor from which I purchased it.
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