Any opinions on this before I pull the trigger? Price seems good.
Well I will throw in one more search for you before you pull the trigger.
ACE Shaving.
Now as to the brush you are looking at, it would more than likely be made by a major Chinese brush maker and sold through Simply Beautiful. It seems to be of good quality from a visual sight, but feeling is everything.
Good fortune with your choice.
I had one of their brushes and threw it away in the middle of the first use. Small knot at a high loft equated to the floppiest brush I ever used. It was so bad it was unusable. Didn't even want to PIF the *** to another member, but maybe I got a bad one. It was THIS one and it flopped so bad that the bristles went almost completely flat when wet. Definitely in the running for the worst brush I ever owned. Whipped Dog is a good economy solution, but get it set to a lower loft like 46-48 IMO.
My advice FWIW, don't cheap out on your brush, or you will just wind up disappointed and buy another one later. Either spend $60+ on a good badger (WSP Prince or Duke 2 were my personal faves), go for a high quality boar if you want to stay economical (the B&B boar at WCS for $20 is fantastic or a Semogue 1305 for $19 from Vintage Scent, but they will require some break in to reach full potential), or you can get a great Muhle synthetic for around $40-$50 from Connaught. Any of these are great brushes and one's that would last you a long time if you keep the RAD's at bay.