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*sigh* SWMBO says all my frags are "old man" scents......

agreed, flannel can be a bit heavy at first but it dries down quick on my skin, and in my opinion is the best dry down scent out there

I will try some bowling green soon
I never quite understood what folks mean by "old man fragrance"...unless it refers to the fact that us old guys wear the spendier and harder to find ones :)
Let's face it, for most women anything that is not "current" or "new" is considered old. I wouldn't consider Chanel No. 5 or Fendi to be "old lady" fragrances. Wear whatever makes you happy.
I've been at this game for some time now. I like a lot of different types of scents, but my favorites tend to be heavier scents with strong leather and tobacco notes. A lot of these can be associated as "old man" scents because everything made before around 1984 were very heavy scents with monstrous sillage. After a few years of this, my wife is just now finally to the point that she has started to appreciate the artistry in my scents.

When Cool Water and L'eau d"issey hit the shelves in the 80's, it paved the path for revolutionizing men's fragrances and the dreaded aquatic area began. Le Malle followed up with his almond/vanilla release and the fruity/gourmand revolution started. The "younger" crowd grew up in a world of men's scents where the boys they went to school with weren't wearing powerhouse scents. Their fathers did. Thus, when smelling one of these types of scents, "old man" associations ensue.

I primarily wear my scents for me, but I do have a few stashed away that are her favorites that I wear when the moment deems appropriate such as a date. I echo the advice of others here: Take her with you to Sephora, Ulta, Nordstrom, etc. All of these places generally have bottles lined up where you can spray and test till your heart is content. Find one or two that strike a chord with her and wear them when spending "couple time" together. The rest of the time wear what you like, and eventually - maybe even years down the road, she might come around to enjoy your own style!
I learned this early in my youth: women are very attracted or repulsed by the way a man smells. They are much more sensitive to our scent than we are to their's. Therefore, the key is to let them pick out your fragrances. As mentioned, go with them to a store, and let them spray you with whatever they want. She will get very into it, just watch. Then wear that religiously, and reap dividends. Over the years, I accumulated a collection fragrances that had been put together by various women I knew, so when I meet someone new, within a date or two, they're telling me 'you smell good!'. Bingo! You're in.
I like to roll with Mrs. Jakespoppy. :wink2:

Fortunately, there are so many frags out there that we can both enjoy, it's pretty easy for us to select scents we both like on each of us. And searching is a big part of the fun!

This is a very good practice in things besides fragrances. My wife likes most of my fragrances and has never really spoken negatively about any of them. That being said, I can tell that there are some that are not to her liking or perhaps neutral about. A comment like "uh huh, well, yes that is different isn't it, do you like it?" is a tip off to me that it is not one that I will be wearing when we are out together. If I really like it I will wear it to work or when we are not together. By doing that she is exposed to it a bit and has actually changed her mind on a few. She does comment positively on ones she really likes so that is another clue. I will also say that our tastes are similar in most things so if I am getting the idea she really does not like it...it's gone. In any event, most things in life are far more important than our fragrance of the day.


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