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Side by Side by Side 3 razor morning

This morning I deviated from my normal routine of blind testing blades in my Gillette adjustable slim. I tried three razors I have never shaved with before. A Gillette Old open comb, a Matador head on a cadet handle, and an unknown open comb with bakelite handle from Argentina.

The Matador is a heavy combo with the cadet handle. I like how it feels, good looking too. The Gillette Old has a nice heft and the short handle gives it a completely different feel. The Argentine so light not sure what to make of that.

I loaded them with Personna Lab blades and started with my headshave. First up was the Matador with the cadet handle above my right ear. I was impressed with how efficient it was. one pass wtg and real smooth. This is a real aggressive combination. Smooth but I think I'll wait to shave where I cant watch it till I practice with this one more. Next up the Old. Much smoother but not cutting as close. this on the left side. Crown of the head for the Argentine. seemed in between the others for aggressiveness. Tried the back of my neck and got some nicks. I finished my headshave with the old. Very smooth and close shave other than the nicks. I think I may have pressed with the Argentine OC not used to the light weight.

For the face I went right side with the Old left with the Matador. Left first wtg super smooth and close. Kind of tingly, but not in a bad way. No nicks. Now for the right side. The Old did very well. No nicks but not as close as the Matador. Pass one to the Matador. Wetting my face between passes I can check the progress. Not much difference but some.

Pass 2 xtg. some pulling on my neck under chin just over the adams apple. I need some better technique as I have lost weight and am getting a little looser there. no nicks this pass ether. Checking the progress I have a hard time finding any stubble left on the right. The Old pulls ahead. I could do a couple of touchups on the right and be done, but I go for the atg just cuz.

Third pass for as little stubble I could feel left on the Matador side it is still very loud. I like the audible feedback it gives. No pulling or nicks ether side. After this pass BBS both sides. I have no doubt I could go wtg atg and be good to go with ether razor

Overall impressions, the heavy matador cadet shaves almost by itself just guide it with a light touch. The old turns faster and smoother. The Argentine super fast handling but a little harder to control. I like them all but they are very different tools. About the Argentine, I really know nothing about it other than the seller said it was from Argentina.


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