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It's amazing what you can accomplish with just a little bit of reckless disregard for responsible money management.


I ought to try to lay out my cellar for a photo. It wouldn't be pretty though. I don't have a lot of tins, and almost no sealed tins...everything is jarred and I don't make nice labels. Also I have nowhere I could put it where a photo would work. It's all in (and on top of) a cabinet in a dark area of my basement. I'll think about it and come up with something.

I ought to try to lay out my cellar for a photo. It wouldn't be pretty though. I don't have a lot of tins, and almost no sealed tins...everything is jarred and I don't make nice labels. Also I have nowhere I could put it where a photo would work. It's all in (and on top of) a cabinet in a dark area of my basement. I'll think about it and come up with something.

Just do it! :)

You know you want to. We want to see it too!
I would, but there's no rhyme or reason to my layout. It's kind of just scattered around. I need to get a system in place to keep it all in one spot... like stealing Price's chest.
I would, but there's no rhyme or reason to my layout. It's kind of just scattered around. I need to get a system in place to keep it all in one spot... like stealing Price's chest.

Say hello to my leettle friend!

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SWMBO and I are finishing the process of buying a new house. Unfortunately, no basement. Wish me luck in acquiring a quality location for my stash. It isn't large, but I am hoping it doesn't end up in the pool house. I am confident that my bay in the garage is guaranteed, but not so sure about in the house.
Say hello to my leettle friend!

I thought you might go with the other cinematic reference. A Cruise missle, y'know, the kind you can put up the a-- of a camel from a couple hundred miles away...:biggrin1:
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