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Show us Your Tobacco Stash and Smoking Rooms

As promised my current set up.
The whole thing!
My pipes, The rack I got from Rob (Liberty_2112) is in the back waiting for more pipes!
Tobacco... I'll make a list later
Two ads I found in Seattle that I am going to have dry mounted and hung when the budget allows for it.
Thanks found them in a store that sells old magazines and ads. Before Christmas they should be mounted and put up on the wall. I also want to find a small little cubby rack for putting some of the jars and tins in for a bit more organization.

While I usually light up in my office, I do also partake in my Living room.


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Last night I moved all my pipe stuff from the dining room to its new home in the den. It was very convenient having this whole dining room to sprawl out in, but it was driving me crazy, and the room to grow was darn near unlimited, which was proving to be a problem. In my den, there's a shallow, shelved closet behind the door, with built-in drawers to the left of it. Much less space, which should be great to curb my appetite for more stuff.. obviously, it's out of control! Much less convenient, but I like that it's all sort of hidden away.

The door on the right side of the pic hides the closet when open.. it's the door into the room.


The top drawer is full of pipe cleaners and all sorts of accessories. The bottom shelf will be for empty pipe boxes, empty tins I want to keep, and stuff I don't need to get to often.


A little more detail.. I'll eventually build a few more shelves in up top, or maybe even a built-in pipe rack.


My house was built in 1927, and most of the original paint and wallpaper is still intact. This wallpaper has considerable damage on the opposite wall, so I'll be painting the room before too long. It'll be sad to see the old stuff go, but I've enjoyed it for a long time. There are built-ins like this all through the house, which was a huge draw for me.. this particular closet has just been filled with crap for years, so it's nice to finally give it a purpose!
Reviving this thread. I pulled some jars out of the chest to take a picture for another thread, and decided to do a bit of re-organizing while I was at it. Here's the whole durned stash...
Reviving this thread. I pulled some jars out of the chest to take a picture for another thread, and decided to do a bit of re-organizing while I was at it. Here's the whole durned stash...

Price, we know everyone is jealous of your chest...wait...
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