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Show me Your Pipe Carrying Gear!


Used to have fun with Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I've thought about buying a pipe pouch numerous times, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. Been thinking about it again since I've been getting back into my pipes in anticipation of receiving Boris's MM cob PIF. So, I'm wondering what you use for an everyday carry? How about a weekend? What do you like about it? What would you change? Show me your gear!
I don't have any yet, myself, even though I have plenty of pipes and such. I'm also curious to see others solutions...
Right now I use a Burberry shaving bag to carry my everyday stuff. It is large enough to fit tobacco, pipe, tamper, mutiple lighters and more if needed. Yet it is small and portable enough to fit in my back pack very nicely. Others have adopted this practice as well as I have read. I would like to get a vintage leather shaving pouch now that would be nice.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
For a day everything gets packed up in a pipe sock. Baggie of tobacco wrapped around a small bundle of pipe cleaners, drop in a lighter and a Czech tool with the pipe and I'm good to go.

For weekends or longer I just put stuff wherever and take a tin or two. I have a 2 pipe leather carrier but hardly use it. By the time you pack everything into it it's too big, and doesn't even hold enough tobacco.
My usual is a single tube and a cutter with a torch lighter for my cigars if I am not going to be gone long. If I am taking my pipe I will either pre-pack it or take a small 'weed' baggie (as my partner at work calls them), lighter, tool and pipe in a small pipe bag.

But, when I am going to be away from home for a week or so (which is happening more and more) I use the following:

A Pelican 1300 case fits the bill nicely for what I tend to carry and smoke on a weekly basis.

Pipe gear and bag, cigar accouterments, travel humidor.

The travel humidor will carry up to five cigars at a time. The wee ones in this pick are because I am trying to intro my work partner to cigars slowly. Beside it is a five cigar humidor I got as a freebie, small cheapo torch lighter and my pocket zippo for just in case. I do not like the sponge in the top thats why I have a humidor stick in there. The cedar is left overs from other cigars. Every little bit helps.

My pipe haul is usually only two tobacco's but I brought a third this trip. Pipe, tool, and baggie with cleaning tools, zippo for lighting and my ICE lighter (dont judge). This all fits nicely inside a bank deposit bag. A bonus is if I am running out for a while or I don't want to haul the small case I grab the bank bag and off I go. Fits in my pack I carry everywhere nicely, goes in cargo pockets. I can even pair everything down to the bare essentials to limit the bulk and fold it in half.

And theres the glory shot. I have been away from my house for a few weeks now. I get back for a day or two here and there but this thing goes everywhere with me. And I must say.....the Pelican case smells FANTASTIC!!

I've been running this set-up for the last year or so. Most of the tools stay in the Pelican case since I have doubles and it's just easier to add tobacco and go.
a carry this little pouch around to work and to the bars or coffee shops when i go out. Enough for the day, and fits easy in my back pocket.
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