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Should I give Derby blades a shot? (Feather user)

100 "Derby Extra" Stainless Double Edge Razor Blades $17.99 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping on orders over $25.

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Derbys are definitely worth a shot. They don't shave like Feathers. Nothing else does, really. But Derbys have their own charm.

For me - Derbys are the sharpest-shaving "mild" blade. They may require more passes/pressure than Feathers, and they don't last as long. But Derbys can easily give me as good a shave as any Feather. And they are more forgiving for me than Feathers, when I'm not spot on. Especially on my neck.

Merkurs and Israeli Personnas remind me the most of Feathers in terms of how they shave, but neither is quite as sharp, or consistent.

Periodically, I seem to almost "forget" how to shave. I'm still new to this, less than a year in. I cut myself, irritate myself, or just get a lousy shave. So I temporarily go "back to school" with Derbys until I get it right again, and then go to the Feathers. I can do that with Derbys and still get a great shave.

So far, I haven't found anything exactly as sharp or perfect as Feathers when I get it right, or as punishing when I get it wrong. I'm annoyed by the high price of Feather, but it is what it is.

I can now get four good shaves out of a Feather, as many as six with a good one, using a light touch. A Derby is good for just three shaves on me, every time. For me, when Feathers go bad, they just stop giving a close shave, dull. When Derbys go bad, they feel like broken glass scraping my face, really rough. That's why I go "three and out" with them.
i would think once you learn to give yourself a clean shave with a feather, using any other blade would be a waste of time,
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