So here is the question.. I have been shaving with an AoS sandlewood puck using both a badger and a boar brush, mainly bowl lathering but sometimes face as well. I recently got a tub of the AoS lavender cream and gave it a go and what a difference. I got good results with the soap but with the cream it was so much softer. This leads me to wonder if I was doing a poor job with the soap lathering. I have pretty hard water which I know can effect stuff but it seemed like with the soap all I could get was really airy-ish lather, watery lather, or just really dry lather.
So my question is should a lather made with soap look very similar to a lather made with a cream? If so I have work to do..
So my question is should a lather made with soap look very similar to a lather made with a cream? If so I have work to do..