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Shoud I have bought this?

Also saw this at the store. It was $6. Didnt buy it, should I go back and get it?

The handwritten tag on it said "G9476." Is that just a the antique dealer marking their inventory, or is a Gillette model number?

Probably an inventory tag. Go back and get it. That is a TTO open comb, not sure which model. Maybe a sheraton.
Even though it's in poor shape, it's a desirable razor. If you don't like it another member will take it off your hands for sure.
OK, I picked it up yesterday and went to work cleaning and polishing it. Looks great! If I had known it would clean up so nice, I wouldn't of though twice about buying it.
OK, I picked it up yesterday and went to work cleaning and polishing it. Looks great! If I had known it would clean up so nice, I wouldn't of though twice about buying it.

The nickel plated razors clean up really well, unless they've been stored in salt water or in Argentina. :w00t:

OK, I picked it up yesterday and went to work cleaning and polishing it. Looks great! If I had known it would clean up so nice, I wouldn't of though twice about buying it.

The Senator (and its gold plated sister, the Sheraton) is my go-to razor. I very fine shaver - and for $6.00... a great buy!
Just sold one like it on ebay 26 bucks, looks like a Senator 1937.

I walked past the darn thing 4 times in one month until I decided to take a look at what it was.
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