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She's a heartbreaker, that Arlington

The sun was just beginning to set as I finished navigating my way through miles and miles of seemingly endless backroads, cresting the hill overlooking the lake. There was a gentle breeze that stirred the water just enough to let you know it wasn't one big, black piece of glass. The warm country breeze came rushing through the windows as six litres of throaty V8 purred out one last time, sweeping me around the lake towards my home. It had been a long day. I was hot, tired, and in need of a tall glass of sweet tea and few moments of calm.

That was the first time I saw her.

I pulled into the driveway, and saw her there, leaning up against my front door as if she had been anxiously awaiting my arrival. I eagerly exited the car, walked right up, and swept her up into my arms. She was beautiful, nothing short of immaculate. Her very being oozed with class. From the scriptures on the box, to the rich mahogany bowl, everything. The scent. Oh, the scent. Like walking out of a cool, fresh fern covered wood and into grove filled with the sweetest citrus fruit that money can buy. I was enamored.

I eagerly rushed down the stairs and had her stripped down in the bathroom in mere moments. I reached down for my most prized weapon, and went about setting her ablaze. Within a few seconds, my brush was well loaded and ready to be transferred to my face. It was fantastic. Her lather was rich, supple, and smooth. Much to my delight, she was unbelievably slick and the razor glided effortlessly across my skin. It was a perfect shave and I was in heaven.

That's when it happened. It was nothing more than a slight warmth on the cheeks, but I had been down this road before. I knew what was happening, and I wasn't going to let it go any further. I quickly rinsed off, slapped on some Thayer's Lemon witch hazel and sent her on her way. I wasn't going to be burned up by this sweet temptress!

WOAH! Pull your minds out of the gutters there, fellas! We're talking about shaving soap here. D.R. Harris Arlington to be exact.

After literally YEARS of reading about the legend that is Harris Arlington, I finally caved. It arrived yesterday and it was everything and anything that it was hyped up to be. This product strikes a nerve for me that no other product ever has. It is just so, darned, classy. It makes me, an everyday average Joe, feel like a million bucks. Like a proper English gentleman on the way to a banquet with Her Majesty. I love everything about this product.

That's why I was so disappointed when I started to feel the irritation on my cheeks. Don't get me wrong, it didn't light me on fire or anything, but it was noticeable. Maybe it was lingering irritation from the morning shave? I doubt it, but I will more than likely give it one or two more tries before I kick it to the curb for good. I highly recommend this product to anyone that hasn't had the chance to try it or is on the fence about it. IT CHANGES YOU!

As for me, I'll probably try to trade her on here for a new bowl of Windsor or the like, but I'll never forget my first encounter with the temptress that is, Arlington.:001_wub:








Your beautifully told tale, shall we call it 50 Shades of Red?, touched my heart with pity. I have the Harris Arlington and she does not treat me with such callousness. Fortunately, she lives with a friend here in my shaveden. A friend, though I would never tell Ms. Arlington, even more seductive. If your heart has mended sufficiently that you are ready to meet others, then drop me a PM and I will introduce you to my friend Calani. Her packaging is not as sexy as Ms. Harris, but her performance, where it counts, will knock you to your knees.

Just call me, Matchmaker.

Boy, back when I had Arlington I couldn't get it to lather like that. Maybe I should give it another try.
Great post! I decided to use my Arlington shave stick after reading this. Great smelling closeness! I get some tingle if the lather stays on my face too long before the first pass, but delightful lather!
I once owned Arlington, or rather Arlington once owned me....or some such.

As you say, great lather, great scent.

But also as you mention, it appears that the citrus in it may lead to irritation for us more refined gentlemen.

I sold her.

Ferns and citrus don't hold a candle to mangoes and smoke.:001_cool:
Thanks fellas, glad you enjoyed the read.

I used the Arlington again this morning and it had noticeably less effect on me than it did yesterday, if any at all. Thought I might have gotten a light tingle, but could have very well been a placebo effect from yesterday.

At any rate, I got a first class shave and followed it up with a splash of Speick and walked out of the house feeling like a million bucks.

At this rate I'm not sure what I'll do with it, but Windsor is def in my sights!
Nice enjoyable read.

Arlington is one of only 2 soaps that is ALWAYS on my counter.

If I were at home, this very entertaining story would have "sealed my date" with Arlington for tonight :smile:
Love Arlington! It's still my top soap although it might not be for long. I've got a sample of Windsor to try.
Thanks fellas, glad you enjoyed the read.

I used the Arlington again this morning and it had noticeably less effect on me than it did yesterday, if any at all. Thought I might have gotten a light tingle, but could have very well been a placebo effect from yesterday.

At any rate, I got a first class shave and followed it up with a splash of Speick and walked out of the house feeling like a million bucks.

At this rate I'm not sure what I'll do with it, but Windsor is def in my sights!

Hey that is good news, Arlington is one of the greats.
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