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Sheraton vs Senator

^^Ha! I don't know but I found the Senator is a tad more aggressive. It sucked. Just kidding. The Sheraton which I just happened to score is a mild shaver by comparison. Other than that as Xillion said.
I just acquired a Senator to accompany my Sheraton. There is a difference in hinge pins and to my eye the barest difference in head geometry. The Senator has a slightly higher dome. I only have two shaves in with the Senator. So far the shave very similarly. The Senator might be a hint more aggressive. Both are very good. Oh yeah, one more thing. The are different colors! :lol:
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Anyone know the differences?

The Sheraton and Senators were made as a answer to the more fancier and expensive heavy 24 gold carat plated barber-pole 1934/Aristocrat model that was Gillette first TTO. Launched during Christmas in 1934, this was the first new design marketed by Gillette since they merged with Geisman/Auto Strop. The razor was made from the vast technical input of the former Autostrop designers who now worked at Gillette. The one piece design was influenced by the Segal TTO razor.

The popularity of the 1934 Aristocrat prompted Gillette to make a lower priced Sheraton for Christmas of 1937. The Gold plated Sheraton came in a Texol covered case and 5 Blue blades for 98 cents.

The Senator was even a better value at 69 cents with 5 Blue blades and in Nickel plating.

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The Sheraton and Senators were made as a answer to the more fancier and expensive heavy 24 gold carat plated barber-pole 1934/Aristocrat model that was Gillette first TTO. Launched during Christmas in 1934, this was the first new design marketed by Gillette since they merged with Geisman/Auto Strop. The razor was made from the vast technical input of the former Autostrop designers who now worked at Gillette. The one piece design was influenced by the Segal TTO razor.

The popularity of the 1934 Aristocrat prompted Gillette to make a lower priced Sheraton for Christmas of 1937. The Gold plated Sheraton came in a Texol covered case and 5 Blue blades for 98 cents.

The Senator was even a better value at 69 cents with 5 Blue blades and in Nickel plating.

Thank you! They all look very similar. I have used a sheraton on a traveling tour and loved it. Do the three shave close to each other?
Thank you! They all look very similar. I have used a sheraton on a traveling tour and loved it. Do the three shave close to each other?

We all have different skin textures, skin sensitivities, and hair growth patterns. The best way to find out if something so personal works is to try yourself. I personally have tries almost every razor ever made and only liked a few which i kept. So out of 1000 or so razors i like 7 or 10 raazors. For me aggression and weight are two variables that I consider in my final decision process. So if a razor is heavy and is designed for aggression then i will try it and most likely keep it.

But that is not always the case, many razors are heavy and aggressive but yet they don't give me a favorable shave result. In that case i weigh my variables against the shave results and make a final decision based on trial and error. In other words i will try the razor and keep doing different techniques or trying different blades until i get my satisfactory shave result. If after trial and error the razor does not yield good shave results i will not keep it, even if it is a rare or unique razor. For me the Sheraton is smoother than the Aristocrat and Senator. But like i said, we all must try things for ourselves to really get the honest and best results.
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