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Sheaffer’s snorkel not retracting

Hey folks, hoping to get some input on a Sheaffer’s Statesman snorkel. I was cleaning it out this am and the snorkel suddenly wouldn’t retract. I ended up taking it apart. It seemed fine so I put it back together. Now the snorkel retracts fine.

I’ve had this pen for over five years and it came to me from a professional, who had re-sacked it. I treat it well annd only run waterman serenity blue and only submerge the snorkel on the downstroke. It writes very well and it’s often in my rotation but there have been times when it’s sat for a number of months with no use and nothing in the sac.

With a pen this complex this behavior seems like a bad sign and I should probably send it off and have it serviced.

What are your thoughts.


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when I resac my snorkels I usually pass some silicone grease on the big internal spring and once the snorkel has gone through the seals on the nib I put a bit of silicone grease on it, more towards the back than the front, so that it slides a bit better without the grease clogging the inner feeder.
when I resac my snorkels I usually pass some silicone grease on the big internal spring and once the snorkel has gone through the seals on the nib I put a bit of silicone grease on it, more towards the back than the front, so that it slides a bit better without the grease clogging the inner feeder.
Do you think that the lubricant used has dried up a touch? I’ll have to do some research to see if it’s worth doing myself. I know I’ve seen the internals but in the spirit of - what you don’t know can and will hurt you - I’m not sure i should be the one to attempt it.

Thank you for the response.
This I can't tell you without looking at it. As long as when you press the plunger you hear the 'pfffft' sound coming from the rear of the pen all is well and the sac is fine. As long as you fill it properly, i.e. extract snorkel out of the ink pot, and then push the plunger with snorkel in the ink nothing should happen to the innards of the pen. The one I have sometimes have a lazy snorkel and I move it by hand or if it bugs me I put a dot of silicone grease on the shaft.
This I can't tell you without looking at it. As long as when you press the plunger you hear the 'pfffft' sound coming from the rear of the pen all is well and the sac is fine. As long as you fill it properly, i.e. extract snorkel out of the ink pot, and then push the plunger with snorkel in the ink nothing should happen to the innards of the pen. The one I have sometimes have a lazy snorkel and I move it by hand or if it bugs me I put a dot of silicone grease on the shaft.
I definitely get a strong ‘pffft’. Good to know you’ve had the same issue. I’m leaning towards sending it out.
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