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She does not understand

The conversation went something like this;

"What is that?!"

"It's a strop."

"What? What for?"

"To sharpen my straight razor. You run the blade across the leather strap to sharpen it"

"This is not leather, it's cloth!"

"Well - the other strap is cloth - you run the blade across that one first, then the leather one"

"I don't see how cloth or leather sharpens a blade!"

"Well - that's how you keep the blade of a straight razor sharp."

"I don't know why you use that thing!" :glare:

Hmm. Wait until the Mastercard bill comes in the mail. I (er, that is we) paid $250 for the straight, and $45 for the strop. This is probably not a good time to discuss all of this. :biggrin1:
My wife and I each get a bit of money every month that we can spend how we want without the other complaining about it. The money is even in its own separate bank account. I get a razor or a hone every six months or so and my account is getting bigger every month. It works out great. She rolls her eyes at my razors, I roll my eyes at her shoes... but neither one of us complains.

Of course, her account is dead two weeks into the month and then she tries the "I want to get you something can I have a few bucks from your account." This is the thinnest veiled scam I have ever seen. I guess she married a sucker because I usually give her the cash.
I don't see why she needs more than a pair of black, a pair of brown, and a pair of tennis shoes either. I might even throw in a pair of house slippers just to be nice.

She is uninformed in the straight shaving arts. Educate her.

You are free to improvise.

Or, there is always ship to office.

Then you play her game. "What's that?" "Oh, this old thing, had it for ages?"

Sooner or later you have more than she can ever hope to keep up with. Works with razors, rifles, all kinds of things. And the beauty is that they do it to us all the time.
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My wife just walked by me and said , "annoying", referring to me being on these forums.

You just can't win around here.
My wife just walked by me and said , "annoying", referring to me being on these forums.

Ehh... lame.

I don't understand these women. You could be out shooting up in an alley or picking up hookers... and they get upset over a harmless hobby that keeps you at home... lol.
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The problem is, for many many women they live by a double standard. Everything they do is fine and not subject to review while everyone else (meaning us) is the opposite. Unfortunately most guys are okay with that, to a point down the road and then that's when the trouble starts.
This is my second go-around. There is no way I am sharing a checking account with anyone. Not negotiable.

I felt that way too. In the end we agreed to one joint account for household stuff and we keep our own accounts too. Works very well, I can buy what I want without having to justify it (unlike the first time round).
Well, next time, she buys another pair of shoe or bag (in her arsenal of shoes/bags), ask her similar questions...see how she feels :lol:

Fortunately for me, my wife does not judge and is more often than not, genuinely interested :thumbup1:. Enough so that she has picked up DE shaving (legs of course) and enjoys it. She loves the arsenal of soaps/cremes in my possession (or should I say our possession) :lol:
The problem is, for many many women they live by a double standard. Everything they do is fine and not subject to review while everyone else (meaning us) is the opposite. Unfortunately most guys are okay with that, to a point down the road and then that's when the trouble starts.

I tend to agree with this, that's why when a man reaches a certain age, when "relations" are no longer the motivator to keeping the Mrs. happy, he does whatever the hell he wants and she can like it or lump it. Herbal enhancements are messing with the natural flow of the universe.:biggrin1:
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