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Shaving without a mirror??

Well considering how bad I nicked up my face and how much I bled Saturday, one would think shaved with my eyes closed...So trying without a mirror isn't that far off...lol
... for years I shaved with Bic Sensitives in the shower, no mirror. Never had a problem.

Since switching to DEs I shower while I have a brush soaking and then shave at the sink, in front of the mirror. Even so, I don't need the mirror. Apparently, I just know my face.

This, as so much else, comes down, I believe, to habit. And let's not forget, blind men shave their faces every day. My blind neighbor tells me he can't see anything. He's generally clean-shaven, unscarred, and doesn't think about it.
It would probably look like I got tortured when I got done. Also, I really don't think seeing myself in the mirror dictated my moods. I find it odd that a person doesn't know how they are feeling until they see themselves. It is more likely she felt a certain way and then her mood changed based on how she looked, which is something different.
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I reckon I'd be fine apart from lopsided sideburns.

. . or perhaps a mustache that's skinnier on one side than the other? While I do shave in the shower without a mirror often, it's a first pass only, and I don't try squaring off the sideburns or edging around the mustache without a mirror. So far, I haven't tried it with a DE, although I'm psyching myself up for a try with my favorite Injector.

I've been shower shaving without a mirror for a good long while, but I think I started it after the Sensor came out, and that's still the one I use in the shower most, although a Schick Hydro3 works that way for me quite well, also.

(OK, now we'll find out how off-topic I've gotten, when I read the linked article, after I add this comment!)

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I don't have a mirror and I shave with a straight. First few times are a little scary and awkward but you develop a technique after a dozen or so shaves.
I don't have a mirror and I shave with a straight. First few times are a little scary and awkward but you develop a technique after a dozen or so shaves.

I think this requires a video. Not that we don't believe you're that crazy but so we can all have one of those HOLY CRAP moments when we watch it. :scared:
I read the article and the human race never fails to disappoint. Apparently I'm not nearly as shallow as the subject of the article.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I think this requires a video. Not that we don't believe you're that crazy but so we can all have one of those HOLY CRAP moments when we watch it. :scared:

I am on a ship right now but when I get bhome maybe I will do that. On my ship of course there is a mirror in my head but on my sailboat, where I live, there is no mirror.

Before I built a shower on my boat I used the marina showers for showering and shaving. We lost power one night while I was shaving and I kept going. Once you are forced to shave blind it isn't so daunting to do it again.
I have done it on camping trips and survived just fine but I don't think that I want to make a practice of it. For one thing, I fail to see the point. Besides, I can get in enough trouble by accident without going out of my way to find it.


I've done my face and head for over decade in the shower with cartridge razors. Not gonna try it with my straight razor. (Honestly, I'm still using the cartridge razor for my head.)
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