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Shaving with opposite hand

I'm right handed, and I have a heck of a time shaving the far right side of my neck. The angle was awkward, and I was afraid I would cut myself. I was also afraid to try to shave with my left hand, but I gave it a shot, and, lo and behold, I didn't kill myself. I actually did quite well - no cuts or irritation.

Do most of you guys shave with both hands?
I use one hand but wish when I started I would of used both. Know its not a big deal Ive got the feel down with no problems.
I'm right handed, and I have a heck of a time shaving the far right side of my neck. The angle was awkward, and I was afraid I would cut myself. I was also afraid to try to shave with my left hand, but I gave it a shot, and, lo and behold, I didn't kill myself. I actually did quite well - no cuts or irritation.

Do most of you guys shave with both hands?

That takes practice...I, like you, am right handed and "was" useless with my left hand. Force yourself to do chores with your left...for example whipping up the lather with your left hand is a quick way to learn this.

Also, as much you would cringe at this advice, get in and shave with the left...somehow, find the courage to do it. You'd be surprised on how fast the left learns...in some respects, my left has become the dominant force in my shaves (at least certain parts like right neck, going ATG).

Chores with the left hand help tremendously...Try, and before you know it, you'll be shaving with your left.

I shave myself, no matter what tool being used, straight or double, with my right hand.

My left hand is controlled by some other force and renders itself useless.

I do straight and double edged shaves with strictly my right hand.

I think I tried leaving my straight in my left and cut myself.
I use both to shave with straights, and just the right hand for DEs. Didn't talk long to get my left hand up to speed with the straights at all.
I started shaving with both hands for the sake of technique, but got to a point where the same strokes weren't doing the kind of job I wanted and expected. Right now I'm focused on doing whatever it takes to get a better shave. I'm going through a period where I can't comfortably reach certain places under the chin and jaw with either hand. Still working on it.
When I decided to learn to wet shave I had just had my right bicep tendon reattached. My right hand is my dominant one and my right arm was immobilized. I learned how to use a DE with my left hand and now I can shave my whole face with either hand. I still do a lot of stuff with my left hand that I used to use my right for. I am back to lifting weights again but my left side is still stronger and probably will be for a year or so.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
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Right hand only with a DE, both hands with a straight.
I stick to my right for most tasks involving dexterity and skill. For some reason there seems to be a disconnect between my brain and my left hand. I know what I want it to do, but between that impulse leaving my brain and arriving at the synapses in my left hand the message becomes garbled and it does something that although it resembles what I wanted it's pretty much useless.
I stick to my right for most tasks involving dexterity and skill. For some reason there seems to be a disconnect between my brain and my left hand. I know what I want it to do, but between that impulse leaving my brain and arriving at the synapses in my left hand the message becomes garbled and it does something that although it resembles what I wanted it's pretty much useless.

That sounds down right dangerous :lol:. Go figure, a left hand that has a mind of its own...It's alive!!! :w00t:

With straight razors I use both hands; with safety razors I use only my right hand. I will have to learn using both hands for the safetys !

Have fun !

Best regards

I'm learning how to use my left hand on the days when shave with a Dovo shavette. So it's very slow when shaving. I don't like going around looking like I lost a knife fight with somebody.
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