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Shaving with ice water

I'm a cold water shaver. I've recently been adding ice cubes to my preshave soak of my razor and brush and my shaves have been better than ever. After rinsing each stroke, I dip the razor back in the ice water and proceed to the next stroke. Idk what motivated me to try it, maybe just curiosity to how the shave would be with water as cold you could get. If you are a cold water shaver, give it a shot! I've been adding ice cubes for a week now and love it.
Hi there! I became a cold water shaver after I tried to lather Culmac shaving soap on my palm with cold water out of curiosity. The lather was thicker and creamier. I think that using cold water, the skin pores stay closed, the whiskers stay hard and the blade cut them easier, the shave is less iritating for the skin. Altought, I think that the blade get faster stump or blunt (I don´t know the right word, my english is rusty), anyway I will never shave warm again, the skin after the cold shave is smoother and I get no burn feeling. Next sommer I will put ice cubes in the mug to live your experience.
Cheers! :velva2:
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OK guys planning to try my first cold water shave tomorrow morn ;) I almost hope I don't like it or else what am I to do with my scuttles.... hmmm maybe ice water in them???
There are folks swimming at New Years at the beach at Coney Island NY.

They call themselves the Polar Bears and even have a club :
I guess you would find quite few candidates that follow your approach as part of their training regimen:wink2:. Brrrr..
Aside from shivering and curling into a fetal position upon reading your first two sentences, I'm glad that it works for you! I can't stand really cold water, except to drink. The one time I did a Polar Bear plunge for charity was . . . highly memorable. And @#$%@$%^@%^#ing cold.

I have heard that Stirling Glacial is really cold, so you could combine that with the ice water. :thumbup:
I'm a cold water shaver, but it's because only the shower has hot water. It gets pretty cold as the water is in plastic tanks above the houses and it gets bellow freezing a good part of the year here. I also have rosacea and read where cold water shaving is best and I agree.

Kind of reminds me of shaving out of a steel pot with chilly water from a water buffalo while in the amphib seabees.
I experimented briefly with cold-water shaving. I even made an ice scuttle. I found I could get through a shave more quickly and the results were good. However I just enjoy a warm shave more.
I also use cold tap water and I have used an ice cube in my post shave before. When summer months hit again I may try the ice for the whole shave
I've done cold water shaves during the dog-days of summer, and I liked it a lot. I couldn't imagine doing it in winter, but during hot, humid weather, it provided a nice relief, especially using mentholated products like Proraso.

I also tried using an ice-cube as an aftershave treatment. It felt good on my face, but holding the cube in my fingers wasn't that easy. Either it got slippery and I kept dropping it, or the cold got too intense and I couldn't hold it very long. Maybe next summer I'll try holding the ice-cube in a washcloth instead of my bare fingers.

Putting ice water in a scuttle seems like a great idea. I don't have a scuttle anymore, but if I did, I'd definitely go that route.
Would this help with pucks drying out a little? I find if the lathers not upto scratch being a newbie and all they can dry out on the face.
Interesting. I've always shaved with the hottest water I could get. In fact, I delayed my first DE shave because we had been running the dishwasher/washing machine all day and the water out of my tap was not hot enough for me. But in the summer.....I may just have to try this.
Not a great shave this AM. 😞

TOBS Lavender did not lather well in cold water. Razor tugged a bit...and neck had a little razor burn. (Unusual for me)

Hmmm may be back to hot water for me. Still have my Vostock soap and cold water final rinse to give me that nice cool post shave feeling.
Not a great shave this AM. 

TOBS Lavender did not lather well in cold water. Razor tugged a bit...and neck had a little razor burn. (Unusual for me)

Hmmm may be back to hot water for me. Still have my Vostock soap and cold water final rinse to give me that nice cool post shave feeling.

I´ll try tommorow TOBS Lavender with cold water. I use a synthetic Mühle brush, kills every soap.
Maybe one day, I'll try a cold water shave out of curiosity. So far, I like the middle path. It works and keeps me out of trouble.
I tried an ice water shave once, with Stirling Orange Chill if I recall correctly. Enjoyed the shave, but have not repeated it. Going downstairs to cart ice up to the den seems a bit of a hassle. Maybe if it were summer and the AC were not working ...
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