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shaving with bare feet? Most of us even cannot master the normal straight razor shave

Gah!!! Can't believe that! See how bad his leg was shaking? All I can picture is all the gashes I'd have after that! No thank you, I'll pass.
Maybe I should show this vid to my girlfriend in order to persuade her straight razor shaving is safe if this guy can do it with his feet I should be fine
Awsome entertainment!!!! I was laughing so loud that my wife in the other room told me to hold it down!! What the hell would posess anyone to even think about doing such a thing. Still laughing...:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Odd, he wears a beard :confused:

Evidently, he'll shave others with his mouth, feet, etc ... but he won't take the blade to his own face. There is a saying ... never trust a skinny chef. Well, I say - never trust a bearded barber :laugh:
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