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Shaving Soap Sue

I've noticed that every respected soap maker is named Sue. Is this strange to anyone else?

Mama Bear: Sue

Saint Charles Shave: Sue

Honeybee: Sue
So who is the oldest? I think I am, so I'm keeping it :) It's just Sue, not Susan, Suzanne, Susie or any variation.

Many, many years ago my Mom, who struggled to complete 6th grade due to being quaranteened with relentless diptheria as a child, told me she wanted me to have an easy name to spell and write when I started Kindergarten.
We have been down this road b4- that's why Sue of Saint Charles Shaves is called "Saint" Sue and why Sue of Mama Bear soaps is called "Mama" Sue. I guess when Sue of Honeybee soaps joins, we'll be calling her "Honey" Sue.

Sue said:
So who is the oldest? I think I am, so I'm keeping it :) It's just Sue, not Susan, Suzanne, Susie or any variation.

Many, many years ago my Mom, who struggled to complete 6th grade due to being quaranteened with relentless diptheria as a child, told me she wanted me to have an easy name to spell and write when I started Kindergarten.

I am actually Susan. But everyone calls me Sue other than family, and one of my best friends in the world who calls me Suzy....:w00t: I have tried and tried to get him to not call me that for 20 years now. I think I gave up a few years ago. I'll pay him back someday... :wink:
We're undercover super-hero soapers. The only way to tell us apart is the color or our capes. We fly to the rescue of the dreaded razor burned. It's a tough job being on call 24/7 but someone has to do it.
Sue said:
We're undercover super-hero soapers. The only way to tell us apart is the color or our capes. We fly to the rescue of the dreaded razor burned. It's a tough job being on call 24/7 but someone has to do it.

We're avengers of the dry face and bravely fight against stubble. Razor Burn is our dreaded enemy and we have sworn to put him on ice.... :tongue:
Hi everyone,
I did finally join yesterday, and I'm a Susan too, but have been called Sue by family and friends for as long as I can remember. My first online name was Honey, after my beloved Doberman, and many online friends still call me that, thus came the Honey0260 which is my Ebay ID, and Honeybee Spa Soaps. So, if it's less confusing with 3 Sues, I'll answer to Honey, no problem LOL.
And yes, I suppose that somewhere in the soapmakers manual, that you must be named Sue to produce terrific soap LOL.

Don't confuse things Honey Sue. Being a 'Sue' is a requirement. Didn't you receive the Super Hero Soaper's employee manual from HR when you were given your SHS cape?

Sue, if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask Sue or Sue.

(psst...ssshh, We could join forces, form Sue Corp. and take over)
ROFL...now there's a thought....Sues, Inc, and drive the entire industry absolutely mad!

Thanks for the welcome, and for the offer of help. Likewise if you have any Bath and Body or Hair Care product questions. Are we all in different parts of the country? I'm in lovely New England, MA to be specific, and a die hard Red Sox fan.

I think my Superhero cape is in the wash at the moment...it gets so hot standing over the stove stirring! As a soapmaking aside, don't you just love when you can still smell fragrances on your hands? I just got done making a big Drakkar batch, and that aroma is just wafting up to my nose as I type this. Yum!

Honey (Sue3)
Well there is the three T's. Now there is the three S's. Maintain course........keep your capes at the ready.

Ooooo, I just love Drakkar Fragrance!!

I am in Northern Illinois, right on the Wisconsin border. My family is from Boston tho and I spent the last 2 weeks watching the Sox with my dad... Manny Rodriguez is a Major Babe!! :biggrin:

Do you think the fact that my friends call me Honey Bear will confuse the guys on the forum at all.....? lol

Well, I definitely prefer being a Sue cubed than a square Sue LOL. Yes, Manny is a babe, but David Ortiz is my hero! Hmm...bet they'd all smell awesome with all our shave soaps, maybe that would get them back on the winning track.

Must retrieve my cape from the dryer and fly to the Post Office.

Honey (Sue3) (wondering how confusing it is to have a Saint, A Mama Bear, and Honey in the same place LOL)
It appears all the Sues are from the US, so is the Sue rule US specific? I mean, while I don't have personal experience, Olivia in Germany is supposed to make good soaps as well. Does the Sue rule not apply to non-US soap ladies?
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