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Shaving Oil !!

Holy Moly

I was bored, so I grabbed a vial of 'Shave Secret' at Wal-Mart. Followed the instructions to the letter, and I'm hooked.

I used to use a badger brush, and Taylor of Old Bond Eton College cream - felt pretty happy with my shave, etc.

Now, with a few drops of shave oil (I alternate daily with King of Shaves Kinnexium), I get a closer-than-close shave and my skin stays soft & comfortable all day.

Some additional details: I break out very easily - even touching my face with my fingers can create blemishes, so I was very worried about rubbing oil into my face. If anything, I've had fewer breakouts since using oil.

I use Derby Extra blades, coated with ceramic blah blah blah. Good blades - I'll be trying Feathers after these run out.

Advice: it may seem weird, but just a few (4-6) drops of oil is plenty - if the blade starts to drag or hang, splash a bit of water on face. I know - that seems counter-intuitive, but just give it a shot.

Also: shave oil is cheap and lasts hella longer than any cream. Take the money you save and buy 200ml of Geo. F. Trumper's Skin Food (good stuff).
its good stuff alright but in my opinion it just doesnt have the great feel of a good lather, but by all means use what works best for you, have you tried an oil + lather combination?
I used only shaving oil when I shaved with a cartridge razor. Since I changed to DE shaving recently I use it before applying the shaving cream. It works nicely but I found that it does not work with all creams. E.g. the Weleda shaving cream does not produce a good lather when I applied oil before.
I also made my own shaving oil. For that I used wheat germ oil which is quite thick and contains a lot vitamin E, mixed it with some soybean oil and added a few drops essential oils (I took tee tree oil for its disinfectant properties, added som lemon oil for a nice and fresh smell).
Bravo Walto;

I found Wheat Germ Oil a bit thick for my taste. I use Castor oil, and Grape Seed oil as a base and add a dash of Wheat Germ oil. Made a large batch after alot of test runs and now give it away to my friends.


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+1 on mixing your own shaving oil. Plain olive oil does the trick!
I'll be the nay sayer here. I've tried both Shave Secret and King Of Shaves shaving oils multiple times, following the instructions to a "T". The oils seem to protect my skin, but at the expense of a close shave. The film provided by Shave Secret and King Of Shaves is nowhere near as slick as lather from a shaving soap or cream. I don't get irritation, but I don't get a very close shave either. Of course, as we say, YMMV.

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