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Shaving Mug Question.

Hi. New to brush shaving and I was wondering. Do you guys use a mug or bowl that was made for shaving or do you use a latte mug you borrowed from the kitchen? Is there any thing that is done to shaving mugs to help with the lathering process or anything? Thanks. Knock
Various folks use various methods. I keep my soap pucks either in an Old Spice shaving mug or in a ramikin (I usually have at least a couple of pucks going at one time). I load the brush on the puck, then transfer to another bowl to build the lather (that is, when I don't decide to face lather). The bowl I use for building the lather is a $1.50 salsa bowl which I bought from WalMart and then lightly scored with a box cutter. This particular bowl seems to be quite popular among B&B members - I even recall a special thread just on this particular bowl.


Needs milk and a bidet!
for bowl lathering, which i mostly only use for creams, I use a bowl i bought from walmart for $1.00. It's not a cereal bowl its more like the size of a rice bowl. My soaps i have melted in to various glass/porcelain bowls. with soaps I lather right on the puck or face lather. I don't own nor use a certified shaving mug so sorry I can't help with your last question.
Anything will do, actually. Why don't you face-lather, then you don't have to bother with one and it feels great?!
My wife had some perfect little plastic storage containers in the kitchen. They are just the right size for a puck of soap and room to load the brush. I face lather so I don't have a separate bowl to lather in. Another bonus is they stack quite nicely together in the cupboard when you're done. I would, however recommend asking permission first if you decide to "borrow" and re-purpose a container. Beats the awkward question as to why stuff from the kitchen is in the bathroom.
Did that yesterday. I used a bowl from the kitchen and then cleaned and rinsed it before SWMBO got home.
What kind of bowl is this? Is it a ceramic bowl or plastic? Where do you store your pucks and soaps after using them if you rotate? Thanks
I use a plastic rice bowl that I bought for cheap. Any cereal bowl would also equally do the job i guess.
Bring a puck to a thrift store and check out the kitchen section.
I also face-lather, but a small bowl is a good thing to keep the soap in.


Now half as wise
I'm convinced that tradtional shaving mugs were for storing the puck, and loading the brush before face lathering. It is possible to build a lather on the puck, but the tall narrow profile makes it difficult. A wide mouth bowl is much easier to use for making lather.

So in reality, you can use both!:laugh:
I use an apothecary mug, I'm pretty much rubbish at face and hand lathering but I'm fine with the mug, when I went home for chirstmas I used a coffee mug, didn't work very well but I assume that was the hard water more than anything else.
I have a bunch of vintage shaving mugs, so I use those for storing my pucks of soap and loading the brush. Before my Old Spice mug AD I used mugs and cups from the kitchen.

Mostly I face lather or build lather directly on the puck in the shaving mug. For those times that I want to bowl lather, I just use a cereal bowl.

I started DE shaving after being widowed, so I get away with appropriating mugs and bowls from the kitchen cupboard. You guys with a LTOH, SWMBO or SO should probably consider purchasing gear just for shaving.

To do it over again, I would probably go to Goodwill or an antique mall looking for sets of coffee or soup mugs that I like the looks of and stack well without nesting too deeply within each other. Getting stackable mugs allows me to have several soaps out on the shave den counter without consuming much real estate. Stacking mugs also work as lids for each other. You want mugs that don't nest too deeply as you want them to stack on each other instead of having the top mug rest on the soap puck in the bottom mug.
I'm convinced that tradtional shaving mugs were for storing the puck, and loading the brush before face lathering. It is possible to build a lather on the puck, but the tall narrow profile makes it difficult. A wide mouth bowl is much easier to use for making lather.

So in reality, you can use both!:laugh:

+ 1
I have a couple of Old Spice mugs,you asked if there's any difference between a shaving mug and a coffee cup,most shave mugs are shallower and wider to makes it easier to whip up the lather,in that respect a small bowl would work better than a coffee cup.
My first mug was an apothecary cup I bought from a dealer on the bay. I was using Col. Conk soaps and they fit nicely. For travel I picked up a salsa bowl from walmart which is a nice thick plastic so it won't break. I eventually graduated up to some "Official" shave mugs. All but one are just old Old Spice mugs had from the antique stores. And 1 Burma shave mug. In all regards the gents before me pretty much answered your questions. Any good shallow bowl will do! Theres no such thing as "Officially for shaving" lol :lol:
I use the bowl God gave me. It's called my face. Not only does it help build perfect lather very well. But there's a big hole in it that holds cereal​ quite nicely!
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