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Shaving in the Caribbean

I am currently residing in Trinidad. I wanted to see if anyone would know where I can find saving supplies, I can get decent blades and the drug stores, but cannot find soaps/creams, aftershave lotions/balms, or blades other than DORCO and Wilkerson. I don't want to ship things in from online order for hassle/cost reasons. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I live in rural New Mexico, and have some of the same problems as you do. I have to rely almost exclusively on ordering online. The main difference is that you might be faced with additional tariff and customs duties. Check and see if there are any advantages to dealing with some of the British sources. The duties might be lower, and the shipping might be faster.
Thanks for the input, I have checked that route. I even thought I would find the Brit products here pretty easy given the history, but was wrong on that one. They seem to not care too much on origin and will put their value on an item. I could ship dhl or fedex but just add another middle man to pay. I have found with just about any item it is worth paying a little more retail than deal with shipping/custom hassle.
that's the tax system throughout the islands. historically, based on import duties.
generally, it's not worth trying to get around it for mundane items like shaving stuff.
just consider it the cost of living in paradise.
and virtually no retail stockists, so, order it online and enjoy!
send some pics!!
I feel your pain and would like to help, Just fly me in and I will bring you the requested shaving supplies.
There are probably companies in T&T that ship Miami-Trinidad. We have several in Panama and they are much, much cheaper than FedEx. Still not cheap, but tolerable.
I have stayed for long periods of time in the Dominican Republic and found that many of the luxuries we enjoy elsewhere have to be shipped in if you want something of quality. Never shaving items but certain things like American foods, coffees (Dominican coffee does get old after a bit), etc. I know my wife shipped in some toiletries last go around and she happily paid shipping costs!
As you probably know, import tarriffs in many Caribbean countries are high because many of the countries are tax havens with little to no income or sales taxes. The only way I know to legally get around them is to include shaving supplies on your shopping list when visiting mainland US.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Shopping trip. Stock up annually.

Or just knuckle down and order. How many pucks of soap or tubes of cream can you use in a year, anyway? How many bottles of AS? Another option is to make your own. A good PH neutral bath soap melted and mixed with some lanolin and glycerine and you got shave soap. No lanolin? A hand or skin cream containing it and other moisturizers might work. AS? Maybe make your own bay rum. I bet both types of bay tree grow down there in Trinidad. Let's see... cloves, citrus peel or oil, cinnamon, maybe a little floral essence and of course the bay leaves, and there's the scent. Many distilleries in the Caribbean (two in Belize, at least) make "Extra Strong Rum" which is basically 180 to 190 proof cane spirits and there's the burn for it. I bet your local pharmacy has witch hazel. Google should find you some recipes. I might suggest Virginia Sheng brushes or knots... my big 28mm VS silvertip has served me well for about 6 months and it has maybe shed a dozen hairs in all that time. A brush that will last for many years would be a plus, but you don't have to go top of the line to get a sturdy knot that will perform well.

Any Indian or Middle Eastern shops? They might have Godrej cream, my favorite. Slicker than frog snot. And alum blocks. Maybe Old Spice, too.

If you run out or cream or soap, try hair conditioner or cream rinse. Works pretty good. Don't try to make a lather... just smear it on your face and shave.
Well it's been a few years since I have been in the Caribbean, but I remember Alcolado Glacial being available widely. At least one classic aftershave that is a must try.
One common Caribbean way, of course, is to have family members or friends in Miami--where I live--who bring the items to you during their visits. I assume you have no such luck.
Thanks for all the info.

Slash McCoy great advice, I am the type that likes to experiment and try my hand at custom made products. I will have family visiting, for some reason they all want to come between Oct-March. I will have them come with shipments. I just HATE paying for something and then waiting to receive it. That's why I prefer Brick and Mortar to pay now/have now, even if a little more pricey. I can find all main stream Gillette and even new AXE junk.

justadivebum, I have been to a few Islands and by far Trinidad has the best economy and products available due to the economy here thriving on oil and natural gas. For everything we lived with in the states I can find here just had to search a little. Its the only Island I see people driving Porsche/BMW/Land Rover/Mercedes that are not cartel or drug Lords.
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