Well, a package arrived this morning and as promised I am posting some pictures. A comparison with my Beehive small in the one pic and then that same Beehive pre bloom in the other. I have done two de-funking lathers so far, but I have not yet taken a post bloom Shavemac pic as I want it to be dry for that. My impressions will follow after actual use, but from what I've already experienced it lathered some Arlington soap very easily and picked it off the puck with ease. Most importantly, I challenge someone, anyone, BERND to tell me that the DO1 hair is NOT the same hair that Rooney uses in the Heritage line. I'm talking about my Beehive hair, the old 3 band. It feels the same, looks the same, has the same fine feel between the fingers, the banding and coloring is similar. Anyone else able to firsthand comment on this? Makes no difference to me as the Beehive is an incredible brush and should the 'Mac be nearly as good it will be a pleasure to lather with. Regarding the density, it is about the same as the Beehive which is to say quite dense, but since the Beehive is a 21mm knot vs. the Shavemac 22mm knot I'll give the slight edge in density to the Rooney. The fan shaped head felt fantastic dry against the face and was very soft with little noticeable scritch which I suspect will be completely gone after a few weeks or sooner. I shaved last night so I won't be shaving again until tomorrow, but once I have a few uses under my belt I'll get my impressions posted. BTW, that's my old 3/1 Coral which went to a good home a few months ago. I hope it is being well used and cared for.
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