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Shavemac customs SNAFU.......AGAIN!

Anxiously waiting for my new Shavemac D01 2 band. This time I asked Bernd to label the item as "shaving supplies" instead of badger, to avoid the 9 day delay in Tenn. for Fish and Wildlife customs that I had with my last Shavemac. BUT NOOOOOO..........Fedex showing my 2 band is on a customs delay in Nashville. Oh well....good things come to those who wait. I just wish Shavemac did not use FedEx. I think my brush AD may have to set it's sights on a different manufacturer.
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Try getting things shipped to you in Canada... a 2 week wait in customs is a short one. Gotta love it when things move at the speed of government.

If only you could email this stuff... lol
Most vendors choose a shipping method that ultimately works for them, which is completely understandable. Some international shipments have nuances with price and regulations between various countries. Also, you don't know fines he may have to pay for not labeling it as "badger". Sure its an inconvenience to you, but I am sure it is his preferred method of shipping that works for his business.
Most vendors choose a shipping method that ultimately works for them, which is completely understandable. Some international shipments have nuances with price and regulations between various countries. Also, you don't know fines he may have to pay for not labeling it as "badger". Sure its an inconvenience to you, but I am sure it is his preferred method of shipping that works for his business.

Bernd uses FedEx because it is the least expensive method for the customer. All others cost about 25% more money, and all others still have to pass through customs. I work for a company headquartered in Solingen, Germany, so know what customs is all about....unfortunately.
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