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Shavemac custom - wedding gift?

One of my best friends (female) is getting married in the spring. She's also a colleague at work. I have known her for several years, and have seen her relationship with her now fiance from its inception. He's a great guy and they're a good couple.

Last weekend, I was talking to her on the phone to get some details about the wedding, and she asked me if I had a moment to talk to her fiance. I said sure, and when I got on the phone with him, he asked me if I'd be a groomsman in the wedding. Of course, I said yes, and I'm deeply touched that he asked me to be part of their wedding. After all, my connection to the couple was initially and more directly with her.

That is the background to what brings me here...

Given my new fascination with all things wetshaving-related, I was considering what might be a really nice gift for the husband-to-be. I was thinking about getting him a custom Shavemac brush with his name on it and the date of their wedding imprinted on the bottom. And I was thinking of getting him a matching razor. I strongly suspect that he uses an M3 and, though I think I could convince him to start using a proper cream and brush :biggrin1:, I doubt I could get him to go the full distance and start using a safety razor :tongue_sm.)

Maybe a matching stand to go with...

What do you folks think?

Would a Shavemac be the way to go? Other route(s) that you'd recommend instead for a newbee being introduced to wetshaving via a wedding present?

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A custom shavemac would be a great gift especially if it is personalized. You can't go wrong with shavemac.
Sounds like a brush and razor combo would be killer. A unique daily reminder of the wedding day and he'll never have an excuse to forget. Always a nice bathroom accent as well.
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