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Shaved or chipped beef- **woo update

My grandmother used to make an appetizer from shaved beef rolled around spiced cream cheese. Does anyone remember having that?

I could not locate the beef, I spent the whole morning driving around looking. Anyone have a source? :drool:
I think that the closest thing is dried beef and it comes in a jar in the same general area where they sell spam, vienna sausage, etc.

This is what we use to make chiped beef on toast (aka SOS).

I cannot help with the recipe.
Thanks guys, I went to the Hormel site and careful reading of the product description says is reconstituted meat, meaning ground up and spread as a paste and processed. The chipped beef I remember was tissue thin slices of just beef.
As I recall, the dried beef in a jar stuff is very salty. We go to the market and buy fresh, thinly sliced beef.
I have had something similar to what you are talking about Jim, except it was wrapped in sliced ham. I have also had it with either a pickle spear or a cooked asparagus spear along with the cream cheese.
Couldn't you just go to your local butcher shop and ask them for some? Everytime I've eaten "shaved" beef it has just been VERY thinly sliced roast beef. Even if you butcher can't hook you up, they should be able to steer you in the right direction.
This is a shaving site? maybe you could shave your own. :w00t:
On a serious note, that sounds incredibly tasty. Do you grill it after rolling it?
My grandmother used to make an appetizer from shaved beef rolled around spiced cream cheese. Does anyone remember having that?

I could not locate the beef, I spent the whole morning driving around looking. Anyone have a source? :drool:

My mom always used salami for that but you can find the chipped beef in small jars usually on the top shelf at wally world. its usually where the tuna and canned meats are. Hope this helps :thumbup:
Jim, I do remember my grandmother making that cheese roll. She covered it with what we called "dried beef" that had been chopped into fairly small pieces. Dried beef is what we used for creamed chip beef -- in South Jersey, it was "creamed dried beef."

Used to be able to get it sliced at a butcher shop nearby. Best I've seen since then comes in the plastic packages linked to above. Not sure about the stuff in the jar, though.

Dried beef was salted as part of the process, which I found a plus (and certainly added flavor to that cheese roll, which was mostly cream cheese as I remember it). But some people would soak the meat first to make it a little less salty.
The ESSKAY looks like the real deal- sliced dried beef.

I recently got more info from my Mom. Grandmother (aka) GG, used onion juice and white pepper in the cream cheese and rolled the cheese up in a tight roll. The tubes of meat were then refrigerated over night to marry.

Sliced into small bites and served with a frilled toothpick.

Thanks for all the replies!
The ESSKAY looks like the real deal- sliced dried beef.

I recently got more info from my Mom. Grandmother (aka) GG, used onion juice and white pepper in the cream cheese and rolled the cheese up in a tight roll. The tubes of meat were then refrigerated over night to marry.

Sliced into small bites and served with a frilled toothpick.

Thanks for all the replies!

Thanks for bringing it up, reminded me to pick some up this past weekend.
Makes me think of SOS. I keep trying to get my sife to give in and try it but she just won't budge. She's tried and loves spam but isn't having the creamed chipped beef.
Hey Jim. You have it right. The stuff in the jar now isn't what it used to be. Was a time it was just as unhealthy, but it wasn't ground up and pasted dry on some flat medium. My sainted mother, Irish cook that she was, made dried beef in a white sauce and served it on toast. Dad winked and told me it was really SOS and slyly told me what that meant.
I've been thinking about that cheese roll and remembered that my grandmother used a bit of horseradish in it to perk up the flavors. I guess onion juice and white pepper woud do it, too ...

Man, now I'm craving a taste.
I'm probably too late to the party, but what about bresaola instead of Hormel's synth-beef? It's easy to get and might work well.
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