Could you restate the question?
I wanted to know which Shaptons take a dull or nicked St8 up to the 16k or 30k.
I want to sharpen my St8's using Shaptons and since there are a lot of them & discussion is usually on 16k & 30k finishing stones I wanted to know which Shaptons take a dull or nicked St8 up to the 16k or 30k.
I have used the Shaptons for two years now and think I could get by on a 1K, 4K, 8K and the 16K. I would also have to have a balsa paddle with CrO for the final finish. I would say get these first and then fill in the gaps as you wish to complete the set. I also have a set of Japanese Damaskas Kitchen Knives that I progress all the way to 16K and all I can say is WOW.
I have used the Shaptons for two years now and think I could get by on a 1K, 4K, 8K and the 16K. I would also have to have a balsa paddle with CrO for the final finish. I would say get these first and then fill in the gaps as you wish to complete the set. I also have a set of Japanese Damaskas Kitchen Knives that I progress all the way to 16K and all I can say is WOW.
I use a shapton glass set consisting of:
1k simpel bevel setting
4k for initial polish
6k for a nice polish
8k for a very good polish (you can stop at this point without pastes, if you´re good)
followed by hardly more than 10-20 strokes on the 16k for a perfect polish
(very good shaving edge without pastes, if skillset is good enough)
at this state an edge can be considered very good, almost scary sharp
and recently added a 30k for a really crazy edge
The 1k is not quick enough to do some bevel repair. For this purpose I use a coticule, but a Shapton GS 500 would be an option.
The biggest jump in my system is from 1k to 4k wich is doable.