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Seriously, what's the big deal with Nomad?

Alright guys, every time I walk into C&E, out of pure respect of your opinions and wisdom from other areas of wetshaving, I give Nomad the benefit of the doubt.

I proceed to remove the lid of the Nomad tester, peer over my shoulder to make sure the employees are occupied with something else - not interrupting my experience - and advance my nose to the soap. I take a big wiff and get a nostril full of an awful pepper scent.

"Maybe it's just the soap!" I say, in an effort to humor myself. So I try the cream. I close my eyes and smell straight from the tube: imagine a bowl filled with crushed up bell and habenero peppers.

Come on, this has to be the most painful and unpleasant soap scent out there. What makes you guys go crazy for this stuff? :lol:
It's been a long time since I sniffed Nomad at a C&E store. I've never actually bought any but I remember the scent being a reminiscent of a dry, desert scent. I think it almost had like a palm tree type scent to it. But it has been a very long time. I want to try the stuff but the C&E store near me closed recently.
I'm with you on this one. Only I despise them all.

My girlfriend and I walked into our local C&E and put our sniffers on every single one and found them all to be absolutely repulsive.
Come on, this has to be the most painful and unpleasant soap scent out there. What makes you guys go crazy for this stuff? :lol:

I don't know what you're talking about. I hardly ever hear anybody praising Nomad soap on these boards.

They praise Cade a lot, for sure, but not Nomad. At least not to my knowledge.
I'll say that I really enjoy the Nomad ASB and Cologne, but the soap smells absolutely nothing like either of them. I can't really figure out why they're under the same fragrance name. They're somewhat complimentary, but that's the most I think I can say about the combo.

For a veg based soap, it seems to me that it works fine and the scent fades quite a bit after you lather it up. It's a hard soap, so you really have to make sure you load the brush up well. But seriously, I've never really understood why the soap and the after-shave products are both called "Nomad".

On days when I want to use the Nomad ASB, I usually find myself going for Speick or the AOS Unscented soap rather than the Nomad soap. Either one seems to be a better choice.



The wife's investment
Never was much of a fan of the Nomad scent, but the C&E almond, on the other hand, was awesome. Then they discontinued it. :blink:
Sandalwood is a bit of a stinger for me, too, and I sometimes use a preshave oil to eliminate it. The last couple of Sandalwood shaves were comfortable for me, though, without any preshave oil.
In reference to the cream and not the soap, straight out of the tube it's very ordinary - I would go as far as to say it's stinks. Once lathered, the scent changes and mellows. It's almost pleasant.........almost.
It smells a little less intense lathered up. Ask them for a sample and try it. I have the soap and the cologne, both fine products.

- Aaron
The scent does soften a bit once lathered. I received the soap, ASB, and cologne last year as a gift and have enjoyed it. The soap did "sting" some at first, but I think my face adjusted after some use.
I use it & like the scent very much actually. I don't smell any of the crushed pepper scent that you described at all. I have the C&E Sienna as well and they are both good, quality products. Better than some, not as good as others, just like everything else.
Nomad's terrible. It smells like dead fall leaves being crushed by a garbage truck.

If anyone wants to buy some, I have a puck on the BST. It's a really great soap.:thumbup1:
Really? I was just thinking this morning about how nice it would be to find a GF soap. I'll have to check this out.

I think it does. It has been a long time since I have smelled Grey Flannel though.

Nomad's terrible. It smells like dead fall leaves being crushed by a garbage truck.

If anyone wants to buy some, I have a puck on the BST. It's a really great soap.:thumbup1:

Truth in advertising? :lol::lol: Great product endorsement. :wink2:
I'm confused:

1. Nobody ever talks about Nomad. Where is all of this raving fanfare?:confused1

2. It's not bad, and it's not great. It's kind of middle of the road.:thumbup1:
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