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September is SABREtember! - Shavettes & Barber Razors (1st-30th Sept 23)

Razor: Parker SRX/Qshave Adjustable
Blade: Derby Extra (in both razors)
Soap: Palmolive with coconut
AS: Pinaud Clubman

Fantastic shave tonight, managed to get really close to a BBS without really trying.

WTG x1, XTG x1, ATG x1 with the DE, touched up around the throat with the Parker. Used some liquid styptic there pre-emptively.

I got my angle a bit wrong around my goatee, I didn't cut myself but I irritated that area a bit. I need to practice my skin stretching I think.

All in all, a DFS. 9/10.
Pre: Hot Shower
Razor: Sanguine R5
Blade: SuperMax Blue Diamond Platinum
Brush: Yaqi Tuxedo
Cream: Proraso Green
Post: Proraso Green (decanted into a Brut bottle)

A superb shave this morning. Now the whiskers are gone I can see there is still a bit of irritation from my last shave around the left side of my jaw (a trouble spot for me) but it was no worse after today's shave and I actually plucked out a rogue bristle with a diameter like the anchor hawser of a cross-channel ferry, which I suspect may have been causing the issues in that area!

With a couple of days of whiskers to mow down today it was a very satisfactory shave indeed and the result 15 minutes later is that rarest of beasts - a true BBS. Smooth sailing. No dramas.

Today I used my Parker PTW shavette with a Wizmet blade. I used a Rudy Vey Butterscotch under black Muhle 25mm STF knot brush. The shaving cream I used was some great smelling and performing Geo F Trumper GFT. It has a light citrus smell and is clean. There are undertones of other scents, as well. My overall shave was really good and pleasant.

Stirling Sheep (shaving soap);
Vie-Long 'hor-boar', barber-style (shaving brush);
Focus all-aluminium shavette w/Shark blade;
Christian Lenart 'Eau micellaire' (astringent/post-shave).


Normally I shave every 72 hours or so. But given my misadventure on 02 September, I decided to add an extra day to allow the cut (or scab) to heal a bit. Towards the end, I was walking around looking like (c) 'G.I. Joe with Lifelike Hair'. Happy to say that the follow-up went well. I paid attention to technique this time, and stuck to the tried and true, forgoing the mentholated pre-shave. Stirling Sheep with the mutton tallow is really all that's needed. Always a great feel afterwards. I has a hint of the barn upon the first few uses, but that soon goes away, leaving a very nice 'unscented' soap. The Christian Lenart post-shave rinse is sort of a French supermarket version of Thayer's witch hazel toner line. I always know that I'm onto a good thing when the missus and I are fighting over ownership of the bottle, which is very much the case here. The Vie-Long horse-boar barber's knot is long and lean. Works great for the palm-lathering that I prefer. Long and lean. I scrunch up on the knot itself during loading to add 'density' then back off when building the lather. I recently learned that the wooden part of the handle is made from boxwood, my favourite wood for straight-razor scales.

Dave himself

Wee Words of Wisdom
Razor= Type 77
Blade= Rhino #1
Brush= Vie-long horse hair
Soap= RazoRock Caribbean Holiday
Aftershave= RazoRock Caribbean Holiday


Another nice shave this evening. Still really keeping focused on my stretching and angle, it seems to be working well. I'm just going to keep things nice and slow. Some stinging for the aftershave again tonight but no irritation so I'm well pleased.

The soap tonight was more than slick enough. Plus a beautiful scent of coconut and chocolate. I forgot how nice this scent is.
I am afraid I fell off the bandwagon today. I needed a very Quick socially acceptable shave this morning before I went back to the hospital and I was half asleep. My wife had a horse related accident yesterday. She thought she had dislocated an ankle but it turned out to be an open fracture. She had to be transferred to a specialist orthopedic/plastics unit.and had surgery in the early hours to repair and stabilize it and the skin graft will be Wednesday.

GEM Featherweight with a GEM SS Blade
Yaqi 24mm Tux
P&B Obsidian

Best wishes to Mrs. madmedic for a speedy and full recovery.
Good shave with a rare razor; Japanese Schick that was released only to barbers in Japan and has been out of production for at least 20 years.

This is a very aggressive razor, with a lot of blade exposure. I usually use a Proguard for this razor, and this morning was no exception. It was on its first shave. Closest shavette I have to an old school straight razor.


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For me it was another shave with the cheapie push-type (recycled photo).


There wasn't much work to do after yesterday's very close shave, but I had enough stubble to warrant a quick two-passer. I went easy and the result is a moderate DFS. No dramas. No irritation. :thumbup1:
So tonight's shave was basically the same as last nights. I'm becoming a lot more confident with the shavette - still struggling at the edges of my goatee even with all the gurning and skin stretching though.

I seem to not be able to use the specified 30°, and to get it to glide and not drag I'm probably using 20°. It's sufficient for me just to use a WTG touchup pass to get rid of the troublesome areas.
So tonight's shave was basically the same as last nights. I'm becoming a lot more confident with the shavette - still struggling at the edges of my goatee even with all the gurning and skin stretching though.

I seem to not be able to use the specified 30°, and to get it to glide and not drag I'm probably using 20°. It's sufficient for me just to use a WTG touchup pass to get rid of the troublesome areas.
30° ? Low angle is your friend ! More like 10°. As low as it still cuts ! Razor flat on your skin cannot bite you !
So tonight's shave was basically the same as last nights. I'm becoming a lot more confident with the shavette - still struggling at the edges of my goatee even with all the gurning and skin stretching though.

I seem to not be able to use the specified 30°, and to get it to glide and not drag I'm probably using 20°. It's sufficient for me just to use a WTG touchup pass to get rid of the troublesome areas.

Forget 30 degrees - start with it completely flat, too shallow to shave, then lift the spine just enough to cut hair.
Myriad work and personal engagements kept me away (and unkempt) for the better part of the last five days. Decided to rectify that situation today.

Today's shave gets a solid 8/10. No major issues (and only a few minor ones). Took my time and found the stroke, though I am still adjusting to the kamisori grip. Made way too much lather for the shave, whoops, but whipped it a bit wetter than last time and the razor was coming away cleaner with better glide. Not a BBS shave, but I am satisfied and feeling refreshed.

Pre: Hot Shower
Razor: Feather AC SS Kamisori
Blade: Feather Pro (2nd shave)
Cream: Cremo Cooling
Brush: Rooney Silvertip (24mm?)
Bowl: Ceramic Scuttle
AS: Proraso Green

Made way too much lather for the shave, whoops, but whipped it a bit wetter than last time and the razor was coming away cleaner with better glide.

I think any kind of open blade does better with a sloppier lather. I have to remind myself of this sometimes when I lather up, as I tend to go for creamy, voluminous lather as a default when something a bit runnier actually works better for these razors.

Random SABR question for anyone:

I have tried Kai Titan Mild Protouch blades - the ones with the pink logo and the guards. They weren't for me at all. But how are the other Kai blade offerings compared to Feather Pros? Asking for a friend (if you believe that....).
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