Very nice! I just received my SOC boar (cherry) about 1 month ago, after waiting approximately 1 month from order to delivery. It is definitely worth the wait as this guy has a fair amount of backbone that really helps in lathering hard soaps. It didn't take long to break in either and to me, at least, had virtually no scent of boar. You will definitely love it and this was the most highly recommended Semogue in my previous thread entitled "Which Semogue has the best bang for your buck?"
I got mine a little over a week ago and it is a really nice brush. Mine did stink to high heck though, but I've been hand lathering with Proraso every night just to help break it in and the smell is pretty much gone. The bristles are already starting to split as well. I bet in another week the brush will really shine.
I got mine yesterday. A little bit of stink but not bad really. After some test lather with dish soap and three wet dry cycles gave it it's first go this morning.
I picked mine up from the PO Tuesday. It's a wonderful brush so far. I'm participating in the Highlander Shave Challenge so rather than making myself wait until Nov 1st to be able to use it, I've committed to using it solely for the month of October. The first two shaves were rough, but it's already getting softer. The handle shape is really incredible though, I never would have guessed how ergonomic that shape would be. It really feels nice in the hand.
I really love this brush. I have pretty sensitive skin, and I've been really surprised at how nicely the hair (once split) has played with my face. I've had absolutely zero problems.