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Semogue Ownes Club Boar Brush Question

I've had my SOC Boar in Ash for over a year now. I use it everyday and love it. Settled on this as THE brush for me after trying badgers, horsehair, synthetics, etc. I never hung it from a stand leaving it standing upright until the next day's shave, but shook the water out of the brush vigorously and toweled it off as best I could . I noticed a couple of months ago that when I missed a day of shaving, the knot was loose in the handle, but tightened back up when soaking. The other day the knot fell out fully intact. Can I reglue it and if so, what type of glue should I use? I've already ordered a new stand to let it dry hanging with the knot down just in case letting it stand up and dry caused this. Also, do I need another one to rotate with? I do not want a passle of brushes...just want the one I have to work. Hope I can fix it. If not, I'll order two and just keep going.
You can use epoxy to re-glue the knot. Just be careful not to use too much or you'll get squeeze-out all over the handle and the hair. The five minute epoxy will work fine. No need to get fancy.
You can easily glue the knot back in.

When I restore brushes I use 'Plastic Padding Repair Extreme' - it can also be found as 'Loctite Power Glue Repair Extreme'.
It is easy to use as it is a one component glue and it can handle water, vibrations and temperature from -50 to 120 °C. All this sounded to me as perfect for glueing in a knot, and none of my restores has come loose yet.

I keep all my brushes standing on the base and I haven't had any problems so far.
From what you describe my guess would be that it is the vigorous shaking that have made the knot come loose and not the way you have stored it.

I won't comment on the amount of brushes, since my herd has passed the 100 mark and for me one brush is what you hold in your hand :wink:
A lot of people suggest it's best to alternate between two boar brushes to give them time to fully dry out between uses - it can take more than 24 hours.
I have to alternate them. I live in San Francisco, 3 blocks from the foggy old beach- it takes at least 24 hours for them to dry out, which is why they take so long to break in, and why I have so many of 'em. Really.

My story and I'm sticking to it...

There are several threads of this sort of thing happening to Semogues. I wonder if the cause may be the way the brush is soaked. I don't know how shaking could break the epoxy holding the knot in but I could see how if the brush were completely immersed while soaking that the expansion of the knot when it becomes saturated could force the epoxy to fracture and then eventually fail completely. This may be the reason than many gents only soak their Semogues so that only the first 3/4 of the hair is under water.
Huh. I've got a stable of about a half-dozen Semogues, and never had a loose knot. In any case, I've used "marine grade" epoxy from the local hardware store any time I've worked on a brush. I've never heard of it failing.
Huh. I've got a stable of about a half-dozen Semogues, and never had a loose knot. In any case, I've used "marine grade" epoxy from the local hardware store any time I've worked on a brush. I've never heard of it failing.

I own three myself. One was gifted to me from another member and it came with the knot out of the handle. The hair knot was completely intact but the epoxy was fractured underneath it. I've seen several other threads where someone's knot had fallen out of the handle. It happens. I'm not sure why but it does. Maybe Semogue had a bad batch of epoxy on a production run of brushes. It's certainly not a widespread problem but it has happened before.
I own three myself. One was gifted to me from another member and it came with the knot out of the handle. The hair knot was completely intact but the epoxy was fractured underneath it. I've seen several other threads where someone's knot had fallen out of the handle. It happens. I'm not sure why but it does. Maybe Semogue had a bad batch of epoxy on a production run of brushes. It's certainly not a widespread problem but it has happened before.

Ah. Most of mine have been with me for a while, and only a couple are very recent purchases. I'll watch them closely. Thanks!
I'll post some pics tonight. The knot came out intact. Completely intact...but the aluminum cup stayed in the handle. Looks like the glue broke off even across the bottom of the knot. I can't find the 'Plastic Padding Repair Extreme' or 'Loctite Power Glue Repair Extreme' in any US outlets. I may try the Loctite Marine Grade epoxy. The brush isn't expensive compared to badgers, but I like it and want to fix it if I can. Plus, it's already broken in. In any case I'm ordering the SOC in cherry to alternate with and a dual brush stand to let them dry hanging with the knot down. Also, great tip on soaking with the bristles only 2/3 to 3/4 submerged. I had been soaking it in the large Colonel Conk shaving mug fully submerged to the aluminum cup. I'm also getting a G20 scuttle to round out my kit. Now...maybe a straight razor to complete everything?
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Marine grade epoxy will do you good. I've never had to glue a know back in, but have had to glue vintage coticules back together. Works fine.
wow, this makes me a little nervous. I've had mine for about 2 months and hang it upside down when wet. Guess we'll see in a year if that helps it or not.
Oh most definitely repair it! Use a very small amount of epoxy, btw - a pea-sized dab is too much. It would be good to lightly/carefully sand off any big chunks of the old glue to give yourself a good surface for adhesion. Good luck, and keep us posted.
I think you've answered your own question. Go ahead and order a new Ash, then get the cherry to compliment it. I'd also highly recommend the SOC 2-Band badger - which of course would mean you'd need to order the compliment of each other...in turn, 4 brushes really isn't that much!
I'll post some pics tonight. The knot came out intact. Completely intact...but the aluminum cup stayed in the handle. Looks like the glue broke off even across the bottom of the knot. I can't find the 'Plastic Padding Repair Extreme' or 'Loctite Power Glue Repair Extreme' in any US outlets. I may try the Loctite Marine Grade epoxy. The brush isn't expensive compared to badgers, but I like it and want to fix it if I can. Plus, it's already broken in. In any case I'm ordering the SOC in cherry to alternate with and a dual brush stand to let them dry hanging with the knot down. Also, great tip on soaking with the bristles only 2/3 to 3/4 submerged. I had been soaking it in the large Colonel Conk shaving mug fully submerged to the aluminum cup. I'm also getting a G20 scuttle to round out my kit. Now...maybe a straight razor to complete everything?
what i do is, fill the sink, submerge the whole brush in it about 10/15 seconds, THEN stick it in a narrow spit cup about 3/4 of the bristles submerged whilst showering, NEVER the whole knot submerged- if the whole knot is under water, in time, i think one would be asking for trouble- my 2cents
what i do is, fill the sink, submerge the whole brush in it about 10/15 seconds, THEN stick it in a narrow spit cup about 3/4 of the bristles submerged whilst showering, NEVER the whole knot submerged- if the whole knot is under water, in time, i think one would be asking for trouble- my 2cents

I agree. Personally, I fill a normal coffee mug (post #261) up so that about 2/3 of the brush is soaking.
Shaking excessively has been know to break knots loose. You should shake but not too hard or too much.

You should be able to find Devcon at home depot or lowes near you.

What I do is wrap the handle with masking tape, cutting out the knot hole. That way I can't get epoxy on the handle and can get a generious amount into the handle and on the knot. Put it in and twist it back and forth a couple of times to get good contact.

THEN SIT IT ASIDE for a couple of days while the epoxy cures


I agree. Personally, I fill a normal coffee mug (post #261) up so that about 2/3 of the brush is soaking.

I use a Williams shaving soap promotional mug and soak the brush just to the knot

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From what you describe my guess would be that it is the vigorous shaking that have made the knot come loose and not the way you have stored it.

Or maybe the toweling if too much pressure and pulling... I just give it a couple shakes and only wipe the handle, and let it stand on its base. I don't use it every day, but at least once a week.

You might need to alternate and give it a chance to completely air dry without having to shake it vigorously, so at least a couple days in between uses... read Soren's reviews and get yourself a couple other Semogues :thumbup:
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