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Second summer vacation

Last vacation I got to know my Slim really well. One razor for one week.
Now for something a bit more limiting......I'm taking one Gillette Old type pocket razor.
Hoping to see if I like it more or less than the TTO s I've used over the last weeks.
Maybe also see if the OC is really right for me.
Armed with barely enough stuff to keep turtle going for a day - a couple Voskhods, an Astra, a Rapira and a 7 o'clock or two, one vie long brush, Arko and one MW coconut stick. Wish me luck.
One razor, one week . . . great way to master the tool . . . you have no other razor to "rescue" you!

The OT Pocket is a good shaver, but does take a few shaves before you will get your best result. Doesn't have a lot of tolerance for wrong angles.

BTW - enjoy the vacation!
Thanks Brad!
This Old was the first I used after GEMini was over,and I recall loving the shave.
Donn't recall picking it up for a while now.
Was all I could do not to threw a NEW and a SS in for luck.
Thanks Celestino!

Day 1
7 oclock yellow (1), a good Arko face lather, vie long 12705 horsey.
Working on 2 day growth so did wtg, xtg, xtg, atg.
Inadvertently got a near BBS without trying. This blade and razor combo works like a champ. Slight irritation in the usual spots.
Felt like a better overall shave than the same blade in a Super Adjustable 2 days ago.
I'm going to enjoy this week.....
Day 2 after a lovely afternoon at the beach
7 o'clock yellow (2), MW coconut, vie long brush
3 pass shave to keep it simple, but seemed to miss more than yesterday. MAybe the angle not quite right.....

I enjoy this razor more each tome I use it but have one wee problem with it. The teeth are overly "edgy" . I feel like something tooth has gnawed at my face a bit outside of the razor scrape. Might be angle problems again....too much comb, not enough blade.
Shaves 3 and 4 with a Rapira Platinum Lux blade. While the 7 o'clock yellow was sharp, the Rapira was as sharp but also smoother. Great blade for this razor. I'm getting less comb marks too - angle getting better. I might have to start hunting for a Single Ring...
Shaves 5 and 6 with a 7 o'clock Green.
The first shave felt tuggy, the second was better. not as nice as the Yellow and way behind the Rapira.

I got my angles down pat so it no longer felt like a prong attack. Thinking that may be a significant improvement with the NEW long comb.

All in all, a great razor. I think I need to try a more substantial handle.
Off to SEptember!
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