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Seb derm and mustache pain

Hello there. For as long as I remember I've had seb derm, or inflammatory skin disease, in my mustache. It's in other regions of my beard but gets downright painful in the stache. This has made growing a beard impossible as a whaling beard does not suit me and my girlfriend would kill me if I even tried to grow a whaling beard lol. Has anyone with painful inflammation in their mustache managed to conquer it? I've tried washing with antifungals, using antifungal cremes, etc. But ultimately I just end up shaving the whole thing off again after the 8th day
Have you seen a dermatologist?
Probably should have caveated that I've seen numerous. But I'm not interested in using cortisone on my face for the rest of my life. And ketoconazole shampoo has never been all that effective for me. Both of which every single one has insisted on prescribing me.
You only have pain when you grow out your hair?
Yep lol and yellow build up. But I can easily exfoliate that. Just can't handle the mustache pain.
@Sethology You mention anti-fungal products. I forget what it is called but there is a fairly common infection in men that causes irregular raised red patches on the torso. I had it for a few months in my 20s. After doing a little research I found that it was treated with Selenium. I bought a bottle of Selsun Blue and just applied it to the patches for 20-30 minutes a day and then washed it off. It cured it in about 3 weeks or so. A store brand bottle would be a cheap and easy try.

I'm late to this thread, but just joined B&B...

I had Seb Derm on my chin. I grow a full beard in fall/winter and a modified Van Dyke, chevron with tapered beard, in spring/summer. This winter the Seb Derm set in. Nothing worked until I tried salicylic acid. Specifically T/Sal by Neutrogena.

It still developed if I let my beard grow too long. So I just settled on the Van Dyke and daily T/Sal during my morning shower.

Hope this helps and maybe an option for someone in the future.

Best regards,

Edit: two fixes for readability
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