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SE vs DE. What is the difference?


Check Out Chick
Staff member
I just had a quick look and I think the injector that I was using was an L type. Supposed to work better with the twin blade. I have another few injectors and a PAL injector that I might dig out and have a play with.
I just had a quick look and I think the injector that I was using was an L type. Supposed to work better with the twin blade. I have another few injectors and a PAL injector that I might dig out and have a play with.
Let me know how it goes. It's fun to experiment.
I think most folks who describe their SE razors as being harsh, rough, blood-producing, etc are having trouble getting away from the DE shave angle and adopting the proper "flatter against the face" SE angle. All it takes is one or two unconscious muscle-memory form lapses to cause problems.
I think most folks who describe their SE razors as being harsh, rough, blood-producing, etc are having trouble getting away from the DE shave angle and adopting the proper "flatter against the face" SE angle. All it takes is one or two unconscious muscle-memory form lapses to cause problems.
True from my experience.


I got moves like Jagger
I've used nothing but an Injectahhhh this year. In fact, I no longer own any DEs and am down to three straights )1 western, 1 kamisori, 1 feather AC). The Injector has become THE way for me; I'm just disappointed that it took me so very long to try one.
I use aggressive DE razors and blades because I can easily skip a day between shaves.
When I do shave "back to back" I use the Supply Provisions injector SE with Shick blades.
This combination gives a top-flight shave but it is not quite as close.
I started in 2013 with DE razors. Last year SE razors took over.

The ATT SE1 reigns supreme, but only with a Schick Proline, it's simply perfect. I don't use DE razors anymore, they don't compare.

I can wield either for a BBS shave everyday, but the SE provides a better BBS shave.

If you gave up on AC razors like I almost did and haven't tried a Schick Proline, I urge you to revisit.

The GEM SS PTFE falls second to the Schick Proline because of width, I prefer the wider blade, but the GEM blade is just as good, favorites are the MMOC and Clog Pruf.

I don't need a variety of blades when there is one great AC blade.

BTW, I have a lot of DE blades, can't get my wife to switch to SE and she will never come close to using up the DE blades.

I shave my face and head, DE doesn't compare to SE.
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