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Scuttle me this... scuttle me that

I'm looking for a more efficient way to create warm lather than my current ghetto bowl on top of a bigger bowl method. Which shaving scuttle do you have and how do you like it? The usual suspects seem to be Moss, Georgetown, Dirty Birt, and the wild card being the Norpro Ceramic Dip Server from Amazon for $13.
I was fiending for a scuttle, and got a Georgetown. I prefer it to just a mug, but the reality of it is that it does not live up to my expectations. It only keeps lather really hot if I use boiling water, but if I do that then the lather breaks down because it is too hot when I'm making it. So I end up using really hot tap water. My lather is warmer than it was, and it is nice to able to hold a mug in my hand while mixing and have the lather stay warmish, but "warmish" is about the best I can achieve. Maybe another brand works better; I don't know. I'm glad I have it now that I've bought it, but I don't know if I would buy one all over again.
I use the Dirty Bird brush scuttle with separate lather bowl. Whip things up in the bowl, lather up the face, then drop the brush in the scuttle and it's warm later for 3-4 passes - love it!
I was fiending for a scuttle, and got a Georgetown. I prefer it to just a mug, but the reality of it is that it does not live up to my expectations. It only keeps lather really hot if I use boiling water, but if I do that then the lather breaks down because it is too hot when I'm making it. So I end up using really hot tap water. My lather is warmer than it was, and it is nice to able to hold a mug in my hand while mixing and have the lather stay warmish, but "warmish" is about the best I can achieve. Maybe another brand works better; I don't know. I'm glad I have it now that I've bought it, but I don't know if I would buy one all over again.

I had a similar experience, but with the Norpro Dip Warmer from Amazon. The best solution I found was to use hot tap water heated in the microwave for about 2.5 minutes, Shaving cream of choice, and some added Trader Joe's unscented shave cream.

If you have some available, it works great in this situation. I don't know if the melting/breakdown point for that stuff is just a bit hotter than the usual shave cream or what, but it consistently results in a great, long lasting lather that stays hott!

The price is right too at ~$4 a tube, one of which has lasted well over a month of consistent use.

I usually end up adding a bit of additional water and a re-whipping between passes, but it works well :thumbup:

edit: Miss spoke, meant to say water instead of Lather... I should stop trying to post quickly at work.... :tongue_sm
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I've tried them all Georgetown,Dirty Bird and even some hand throwns by individuals. Since I've gone to almost strictly face lathering I thought I would try a Moss scuttle just to keep my brush warm between passes. Wow!! What a world of difference! I've had to actually cool my scuttle water off some as the Moss actually keeps it too hot for my liking. IMHO it's the best design out there for keeping your lather piping hot.
I'm using a Bonneyman-Moss scuttle, so I'll chip in with my 2c worth.

It works beautifully - that's as much as I need to say. I mix cream soap in it with a small boar brush and get good, rich, warm lather that stays warm for 15 minutes for three or four passes.

It is excellent value for money and looks good in the bathroom.
I think I've narrowed my search down to the Dirty Bird design. Now the question is should I get the standard size, double size, or the brush scuttle along with the Bill Bowl. Any opinions?
I've got the brush scuttle and regular sized lather mug. I'd recommend the billy-bowl as it's a bit bigger and has the thumb hook.

Love mine but will probably go back for the billy bowl later.
I use the Dirty Bird brush scuttle with separate lather bowl. Whip things up in the bowl, lather up the face, then drop the brush in the scuttle and it's warm later for 3-4 passes - love it!

When you drop the brush into the scuttle, is it full of hot water? I still do not understand what face lathering with a brush is.:confused:

Face lathering is just that...using a brush, loaded with soap from a puck or cream from a tub, and building lather right on the face...no bowl required.

When you use a scuttle, you are either bowl lathering (actually building your shave lather in the bowl) or simply using the scuttle to warm your brush.
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