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Scuttle help.....

Ya, so I came home from work and this is what I found....... It looks like on eof my brushes may have fallen off the stand and somehow broken it off??? The brush was laying beside the handle on the shelf. My wife says no one went into my bathroom today, so I guess that is the only explanation. What's the fix? Will two part epoxy hold strong enough or should I try super glue? Thanks for the help!
This happened to one of my GTP brush scuttles. I called them up and ordered a new one but they recommend I save the old one too. They recommended the marine grade two part epoxy. It worked perfect no prob :thumbup1:
NO CAT!!! No animals of any kind other than my 2 and a half year old, but I have a childrens handle lock on the outside of the bathroom door and it stays closed all day! Maybe it was a jealous, unshaven ghost!
NO CAT!!! No animals of any kind other than my 2 and a half year old, but I have a childrens handle lock on the outside of the bathroom door and it stays closed all day! Maybe it was a jealous, unshaven ghost!

You would be surprised what 2 and half year olds can accomplish. :biggrin:.... Been through that phase 3 times and wait till they get a little older. :w00t:

As another poster mentioned, two part marine epoxy does wonders with china and/or clay ware or just about anything. I speak from experience :lol:
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You would be surprised what 2 and half year olds can accomplish. :biggrin:.... Been through that phase 3 times and wait till they get a little older. :w00t:

As another poster mentioned, two part marine epoxy does wonders with china and/or clay ware or just about anything. I speak from experience :lol:

I am going to pick up some two part marine epoxy after work today. I almost cried when I saw it broken!
Ditto on the marine epoxy (works well), but if it is a very clean break with a perfect fit, you might want to consider cyanoacrylate, e.g. Superglue. In contrast to the epoxy, you'll have to coat both sides of each surface and work very fast and get everything aligned perfectly the first time you press it together. But if you can do that, it will be a neater, less space-filling repair, plenty strong, and almost invisible. *IF*!

Good luck!
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