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Scuttle for face latherers?

Seems like I remember reading about a scuttle someone had made for face lathering a couple of years ago. Basically just a place to park the brush to keep it warm between passes. I've done some searching and there are a ton of pages to scour through. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


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I use a SRD regularly (seen below)

DB makes the 2 pce and can also custom make a 1 pc. Moss makes a couple, I used my G5 as a brush scuttle as it was fairly small. Lot's of options out there, some even use $8 Gravy Warmers



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they will make them, or did last year before the new G20 came out.

i had inquired about one and it was the same price as the current scuttle they had, the G5. you just have to email them and ask for the Ambrose Brush Scuttle.

to be honest, the 1 pc DB design is the best one I have ever seen.
Brucered, I was looking at the SRD scuttle a while back. I think I'm going to put it on the to buy list.
I just bought the small Georgetown scuttle in white. It is the perfect size to keep my brush warm between passes.

Seems like someone here had Georgetown Pottery make one special that was just big enough for the brush and that's it. I'll have to do some more digging.

edit: Ah-ha. Couldn't find it using the B&B search, but google found it. Ambrose had one made. I wonder if they still make them?




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Brucered, I was looking at the SRD scuttle a while back. I think I'm going to put it on the to buy list.

i got mine off the BST and have been using it daily for face lathering, works like a charm. it's not ultra tight on any of my brushes, and allows me to freshen up the brush/lather in between passes.

holds about 20oz of water, so almost as much as my DB1.5, which holds 22oz. so needless to day, it keeps my brush/lather warm and i have no issues with mine.
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