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Scuttle collecting dust.

So I bought a scuttle, paid around $60.00 for it, however I have not been using it much because;

(1) The heat destroys my lather even with warm tap water.
(2) Shallow bowl with vertical sides rather than slopped and a wide top

I just don't know.. but I prefer a bowl I bought from a store downtown in Kaiserslautern. It's not heavy enough to be uncomfortable, and wide and sloped enough so I can get aggressive with making a lather if I choose not to face lather.

Whats the secret behind this device?
While a nice warm lather is nice, I've found that when using a scuttle if the water is too hot the lather will tend to sort of melt away. Better results seem to be obtained using just warm tap water. At least that's been my experience.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I purchased a Robert Becker scuttle for half what you paid and it's wonderful - but that's probably not much help now. Scuttles come in different sizes and mine is the biggest as I was trying to get away from clanging the brush handle on my mug. Mine is too big to hold and sits on the rim of my sink.

I use it every day and have no problem with Castle Forbes, Ultimate Comfort and AK 1869. Proraso likes a couple of drops of water (from fingertips) and a little remix between lathers. It's easy to do and takes very little time. You may want to try that with your lather.
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