So this morning I won a razor on eBay from somebody locally. I went to pick it up this afternoon and realized as soon as the guy answered the door that he was the father of a kid I used to work with. The father is an antique dealer and sells out of his house. Him, his employees (mostly his kids), and I started talking and he asked why on earth a 28 year old would want a safety razor. I gave him the usual wet shaving speech and he replied, "I've got boxes of those safety razors from estates." Yep, boxes...big boxes...plural. One of the kids even said they had some loose ones (not in cases) in a big bag. He's getting them all together for me to look at, but this could be the find of a lifetime. I did tell him though that I really only need two more razors to complete my personal collection (Bulldog and Double Ring) so I would mostly help him ID and price razors.