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Schick Trac II compatible handle?

Talked to my dad today, said he found me a Schick handle with the Trac II slider head. Didn't know there was such a thing and can't find anything online. Anyone know what it is?
I have heard of that Trac II clone before.

The design of the Trac II handle was super easy to clone, and the Trac II became extremely popular quite quickly. Schick would have thus started to quickly lose Injector sales to the Trac II, and they wanted a piece of the pie too, hence a Trac II clone.
I wish there were MORE Trac II clones on the market today!
John pointed out once that since Dollar Gen sells Trac II/Atra blades it would only make sense if they sold clone handles to go with them :thumbup1:
No Bumpfighters in my local Wal-Marts so I had to order a Trac II clone from India. Would love to see them in stores.
Talked to my dad today, said he found me a Schick handle with the Trac II slider head. Didn't know there was such a thing and can't find anything online. Anyone know what it is?

The Schick Super II. There were also some designer versions made by International Silver which were very high quality (but nickel, not silver).

Followed this sound advice of buying the bump fighter razor and it fits the Trac II blades. I just shaved my head with one and damn is it smooth.

A lot of people have stated that when they clean it out (bumping on side) that the head moves, so I took an old water pik (shoots stream of water to "floss/massage gums and teeth) and shot little streams of water effectively cleaning up the gunk.

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