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Schick Injector Problem

Hey everyone, I recently picked up a Schick Injector E from Ebay and after a long wait for blades, I have a huge problem. I can't get blades to stay in it. I was a little nervous at that there was some "slop" between the pieces, meaning if I shake it, there is rattle. There is a good amount of space for the "L" shaped piece that holds the blade to move. Is there something I am missing or that I can adjust or am I totally out of luck?

Any help is appreciated!


B&B membership has its percs
Hi, can you post a picture of the head, from just below the safety bar? You may have one that opens & closes .. hard to tell without seeing it though ..
Hey, thanks for the quick response. It is an E4 from what I can tell, which shouldn't open. I will try to get a picture of it up now though.


B&B membership has its percs
Never seen that condition, and I've had a number of Schicks .. pictures may get ya going, there are only two surfaces bearing on the injector blades as designed, one or the other can be bent if all else is ok
It's hard to get good pictures on the fly without a macro lens, but here is what I am working with. It's hard to see, but I tried to get a picture of the gap.



I am hoping someone has experience bending one of these back to point where it will securely hold the blade.


B&B membership has its percs
Looks like it should werk, next is a picture of your injector, but what is the white/brown/white thingee at the top left of the blade tray?
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The problem is the tightest fit I get is when the injector key is inserted. As soon as I remove it, there is a big gap which is why the blades won't stay put. I guess I need to try to take this apart and see if I can bend the "spring" so it applies more pressure to the outside piece (holding the blade).
Sorry for my tremendous amount of posts, but I think I was able fix this. By using a pair of channel lock pliers, I was able to slightly bend the "hump" portion of the spring so that there is pressure between the pieces. By doing this, I was able to get a blade to securely rest in place.

Thanks for the help. Hopefully my first shave goes well!
And a picture of a blade in the razor. It is really hard to judge from the pics you've provided. You might only have to pinch the the razor together to tighten up the fit. But I can't say for sure without seeing more.
And a picture of a blade in the razor. It is really hard to judge from the pics you've provided. You might only have to pinch the the razor together to tighten up the fit. But I can't say for sure without seeing more.

Thanks for the response. That's exactly what I was able to accomplish by bending the domed portion. By doing that, I was able to increase the press fit of the two pieces that hold the blade. Hopefully I don't have any further issues with looseness.
I have run across a couple where the spring was sprung. I think it happens when a previous owner believes that the spring should be able to disengage to clean the razor, so they make it disengage. It's not really spring steel though.

Thanks for the response. That's exactly what I was able to accomplish by bending the domed portion. By doing that, I was able to increase the press fit of the two pieces that hold the blade. Hopefully I don't have any further issues with looseness.

That's what I figured,I recently adjusted an E2 like the one in Garyg's photo by using nothing more than the shaft a a Q-Tip.I rolled it in between the side tabs and spring for leverage and was able to shape the spring perfectly.A nice gentle way to set things right at least for the E2's
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My solution wasn't elegant (the round portion is now less than round), but it did the trick.

Now to just work on my technique. I had a nice smooth shave without a lot of effort, but a ton of weepers and burn around my lips and in general more irritation that I have gotten using either my GEM 1912 or Fatboy. After a few hours things calmed down, but my lips were actually puffy and red from irritation which I am sure isn't good for them. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a blade issue because I reinserted the first blade into the injector until it was correctly seated in the razor then popped it out so I would be using a fresh blade.
My solution wasn't elegant (the round portion is now less than round), but it did the trick.

Now to just work on my technique. I had a nice smooth shave without a lot of effort, but a ton of weepers and burn around my lips and in general more irritation that I have gotten using either my GEM 1912 or Fatboy. After a few hours things calmed down, but my lips were actually puffy and red from irritation which I am sure isn't good for them. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a blade issue because I reinserted the first blade into the injector until it was correctly seated in the razor then popped it out so I would be using a fresh blade.

If I may take a shot at this...My guess is you maintained the proper shaving angle (blade cover almost parallel to skin) everywhere else until you got near your mouth and while focusing on avoiding your lips,you may have altered your shaving angle causing the blade to bite a little more and cause irritation.I've done that before...

Also...although it my seem obvious,also a reminder to be careful when inserting new blades to be sure to guide the cutting edge safely away from the blade stops as it slides into place...
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Now to just work on my technique. I had a nice smooth shave without a lot of effort, but a ton of weepers and burn around my lips and in general more irritation that I have gotten using either my GEM 1912 or Fatboy. After a few hours things calmed down, but my lips were actually puffy and red from irritation which I am sure isn't good for them. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a blade issue because I reinserted the first blade into the injector until it was correctly seated in the razor then popped it out so I would be using a fresh blade.

Another possibility - I've found Chinese Schick blades to be lacking in quality control sometimes, with the occasional blade being very rough. (And I had the opposite problem once - a blade that wasn't even sharpened!)
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