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Schick Injector Help Please

So, I've tried using Schick injectors previously with no success. Just couldn't get a decent shave with them. But I really like the feel of them in my hand and want these razors to work. In that vein, I plan to use an injector razor all next week with hopes of some success.

Does anyone have any tips/hints that can help me get a good shave with an injector?

Thanks in advance and enjoy those shaves
Watch the blade as it's loading and make sure the edge doesn't slide against the blade stops.

+1. This is critically important or you will damge your blade.

Also, make sure the face of the razor is almost parallel to your face then move it slightly until you can hear it "sing." Then you will know you have the right angle.

Good luck, let us know how you did and enjoy your shaves.

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