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Schick Injector Blades - What and Where to Buy?

Sorry, I tried searching threads. I have a Schick-Eveready SE and was lucky to find one box of NOS injector blades. I really don't want to use those so I'm looking recommendations on what the SE community here suggests for brands and vendors. Thanks for any help.
Amazon has new Schick blades for injector.
Shavetools.com has personna injector blades for a great price. Just bought from him (he's a vendor here at B&B) and the transaction went perfectly.
Call around to the smaller pharmacies in your area. I have found some of the "Good Neighbor" independent Pharmacies carry the Schick injector blades. that will get you started anyway until you can get an order figured out for more.
Steve, I'm not sure if there's one in WY, but here in NC there's a supermarket called Lowe's Foods and they carry the Chinese Schick blades at a reasonable price.
You can get the Chinese made Schick branded blades (schick makes all their blades in prc) on Amazon and ebay.
I prefer the personna blades. Ted pella sells them in bulk, razorbladesandmore also carries them, the best price for a small purchase is at connaught but they seem to be out of stock currently.
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Thank you all! I will check out the 5-star thread and I do see the availability on Amazon. As for local pharmacies and supermarkets, none around these parts carry injectors. Usually store branded ASR or Dorco DE blades, a rare find of Gem SE blades and that's about it. I've given up on brick & mortar stores for shaving supplies. I think I will add some Schick blades to an Amazon or other online order the next time. Thanks fellas!
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