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Schick DE's.school me please

Been searching the web for old Gillette SS's, and came across the old Schick Krona. I don't really see much talk about the Schick on this forum, but the SS gets much attention. Why is that? Are the Schicks that inferior? Would a Schick be a good starter DE for a new wet shaver with moderate growth and skin that is a tiny bit sensitive? They look like good buys.

Been searching the web for old Gillette SS's, and came across the old Schick Krona. I don't really see much talk about the Schick on this forum, but the SS gets much attention. Why is that? Are the Schicks that inferior? Would a Schick be a good starter DE for a new wet shaver with moderate growth and skin that is a tiny bit sensitive? They look like good buys.


The Schick Krona is a very good razor. They're quite mild, and I think one would make a great starter DE - it should be fine for sensitive skin. I think they tend to be ignored largely because the all-metal Gillettes with their vast variety and date codes appeal to the collector in us - but the Schicks are well designed and shave nicely.
The Gillette razors were made for a long time and in the millions. Schick began in 1923 where as Gillette was around 25 years earlier, so millions of Americans had Gillettes already. But in reality Shick came into the game even later than that, Jacob Schick a retired Army man founded the Magazine repeating razor company in 1923. From 1923 to 1929 Schick moved his company to different states as he applied for 5 razor injector patents. In 1929 he sold the company to American Chain and Cable company of Bridgeport Connecticut. He then used the money to market and develop the Electric Dry razor .
In 1946 Eversharp Inc, (A fountain/Pen Company) bought the Magazine Repeating Co. and renamed it Shick Safety razor/ Div of Eversharp.
and later jst the Schick Safety razor company. The American chain and Cable Co. made products for Schick til 1958 when Jacob shick started his own manufacturing oprtion in Bridgeport.
That year Eversharp sold it pen business to Parker pens so they can concentrate on razors only. In 1960 Schick Razors moved the manufacturing to Milford Connecticut.
In 1970 Schick sold the company to Warner Lambert pharmaceuticals.
As you can see , Schick really did not start selling safety razors until the late 50's to 1963. Not many razors were made to compete with Gillette.
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I believe that the reason that the Krona razors do not get much talk on the forum is that the handles are made of plastic which to some makes them appear cheap.

They are every fine shaving DE razors and a real sleeper. You should try one, they are a mild razor.
Would a Schick be a good starter DE for a new wet shaver with moderate growth and skin that is a tiny bit sensitive? They look like good buys.

All day, every day. They are fabulous mild shavers. I just traded for my third one because the other two I owned were sold off to newbies who wanted to learn DE shaving. They're easy to find and relatively inexpensive.

My first DE combination that worked really well for me was a Krona paired with an Astra SP blade. YMMV of course but it consistently delivered a great shave for me.
They are good razors, mild I would say. About 35 years ago I started my wet shaving career with a Krona, together with a badger brush and Old Spice soap. I still have the Krona, and the OS mug and use both from time to time. Whish I could get a Shulton OS puck again...
I have two. The older one with the metal TTO knob and no writing on the doors is heavier and feels more substantial. They both shave very nicely and make ideal starter razors.
This discussion has made get out my Krona and shave with it today - I put a once-used Wilkinson Sword blade in it and got a real close one!
[SIZE=]They are a good basic razor, but they shave mild, even with a Feather blade. They would make a good introductory razor for a person with a light beard, or maybe (with the long handle) a leg shaver for a woman.[/SIZE]
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I have two. The older one with the metal TTO knob and no writing on the doors is heavier and feels more substantial. They both shave very nicely and make ideal starter razors.

oh good - that is the type I just bought. it's in the ultrasonic as I type this. will give it a run in a few days and post my thoughts.
Outstanding gentle shaver. Clean with care. No boiling water or long baths in extremely hot water to prevent damage and discolor to the handle.
I started out shaving with a Krona. Nice razor although eventually it got to where my beard required a more aggressive razor. For 95 per cent of the shaving community it is a great choice.
Is there a way to date the Schick DEs? I just bought one over the weekend for $7. I got it with its original plastic case, the directions, and set of blades. Here are some pics. I'm not sure what the style is either. Is this what you would call a Krona? $IMG_1987.jpg$IMG_1988.jpg$IMG_1989.jpg$IMG_1990.jpg
Yep, that's a Krona, Kentb. No way to date them that I know of. Looks like you got yourself a nice one there! Those blades will most likely provide a great shave, as well. Great find, especially for seven clams! Thanks for sharing!
I have 30+ razors and my desert island choice is the Krona. I can get a DFS every day with zero irritation with any blade from a Feather to a Derby. It is probably the most user friendly razor out there. Is it pretty? No. Is it functional? Completely.
Seriously, it is my #1 go to pick.
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