So I was curious if I could put a shave edge on a Wade and Butcher I rescaled and had the blade restored on awhile back with nothing but sandpaper, canvas and leather strop. Now I have never really honed before so I am well aware that doing it myself was a terrible idea but I was bored and curious and when that strikes me I test things. Now why this particular idea struck me is that I love the way this razor looks, beautiful big blade with a nice slight smile to it, classic big boy W&B, problem is I don't really shave with straights and when I got the blade worked on I didn't get it honed for that very reason. My lack of use of straights also leads me to not want to actually shell out any money to get any decent honing done to it. So there it sits, sad lonely, unable to fulfill it's purpose of removing hair from a face and there I sit wanting really bad to at least use it one time.
So I get the razor and start looking for sandpaper. Unfortunately all I have for sandpaper in pristine condition is one 1000 grit piece. Undaunted I say the heck with it and give it a go. Now this razor would not cut worth a darn before this so after a few tries across the paper I give it a test on the hair of my hand and by golly it shaved. So I work just a little more not really wanting to get to crazy lest my inexperience causes harm that can't be undone and then move on to the canvas strop and leather strop. Finish there and give it a go. I received an answer to two questions. Can you hone with just 1000 grit sandpaper, canvas and leather strop and get a razor that can shave? Yes you can. Is the razor sharp enough to provide a tugless comfortable relaxing shave? No it is not. If you are in a pinch need to shave badly and that is your only option to fix your blade to shave by all means go ahead and do it. You'll receive a shave that is nice and close for sure but the shave experience is certainly lacking it comparison to a nice honed straight.
So I get the razor and start looking for sandpaper. Unfortunately all I have for sandpaper in pristine condition is one 1000 grit piece. Undaunted I say the heck with it and give it a go. Now this razor would not cut worth a darn before this so after a few tries across the paper I give it a test on the hair of my hand and by golly it shaved. So I work just a little more not really wanting to get to crazy lest my inexperience causes harm that can't be undone and then move on to the canvas strop and leather strop. Finish there and give it a go. I received an answer to two questions. Can you hone with just 1000 grit sandpaper, canvas and leather strop and get a razor that can shave? Yes you can. Is the razor sharp enough to provide a tugless comfortable relaxing shave? No it is not. If you are in a pinch need to shave badly and that is your only option to fix your blade to shave by all means go ahead and do it. You'll receive a shave that is nice and close for sure but the shave experience is certainly lacking it comparison to a nice honed straight.