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Hey fellas, sorry I haven't had the chance to introduce myself or anything on here yet, but I'll get around to it. The short is I've never used a DE, but I do use a straight razor and have been for about 4 months. I have definitely caught the acquisition disorder :)
Which leads me to my question:
I've looked at a lot of different after shaves, soaps, creams, etc, but I am hesitant to purchase (I've bought a few bottles of AS that really didn't sit well with my sniffer...) and was wondering if any of you know where I could get my hands on some samples of them. Soaps usually are the easiest to come by samples of, but I'm always interested. Moreso though I am interested in the after shaves and shave creams. Any suggestions guys? I really want to try out royall lime AS and maybe a bay rum AS of some sort as well.
Welcome to B&B

Check out Truefitt & Hill's and Trumpers' websites.

T&H has a sample pack for around $10 that includes all their creams and aftershaves. And for $19 you can get some of the colognes as well with the creams and AS

Trumpers is around $7.50 and includes 4 of their creams, Skin food(Aftershave), and a few samples of their colognes.

If ShavingEssentials.biz comes back online it use to have a Taylors of Old Bond Street Sample pack that inclued all of the creams by TOBS for around $25(i think).
If you order the T&H sample pack don't forget to use the "BB10" discount code!

That is the key. The cream/asb sampler costs $8 shipped that way. And I have found that each cream sample is good for at least two shaves. Just put them in a ziploc bag after the first use.
That is the key. The cream/asb sampler costs $8 shipped that way. And I have found that each cream sample is good for at least two shaves. Just put them in a ziploc bag after the first use.

+1 on the ziploc and you might want to tape the top of them too.
Barclay Crocker has several sample packs for sale if you want to combine for lower shipping costs. They offer 15% off to B&B members: code BBsubscribe
Write to any manufacturer and ask nicely, they'll send a sample pack. Worst case, you'll have to pay for shipping, best case they'll send it free of charge.
Welcome to B&B! Shaving Essentials used to sell a sampler of all the different TOBS creams for $20.
For aftershave samples, my advice is to go to www.saintcharlesshave.com and pick out a few that sound appealing to you. Sue makes great aftershaves and sells generous samples at very reasonable prices. She makes splashes, milks, and balms. You can try some of each!
Wow, lots of replies there. Thank you guys very much. I'll have to check all of those suggestions out and let you know how it went. Thanks again!
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