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Sally Beauty Supply has DE's! It's a Ming Shi, but it's a DE!!!!!!

I tried to take advantage of the $10 off $20 purchase at Sally's today. http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showth...ply-Exp-5-31?p=4156663&highlight=#post4156663
However, I was met by a rude clerk who said she had heard nothing of it. I pulled up my phone turned to BB and got the link for the coupon code. As I did this, I saw a Ming-Shi DE from ShavingFactory from the corner of my eye for $14.49. As the girl was calling someone to verify the coupon code, I ran to get some Clubman and the DE. I also had to renew my membership for $5. I still had the audacity to ask for an additional 15% from a promotion they were having. When it was all said and done, I got the Clubman, DE, and renewed membership for $12 and change. Not bad for knowing that you can find a DE at your local store. I would have never bought this razor under other circumstances, but this was something special. :thumbup:

So.......are you gonna shave with it, or keep it all pretty in the package? I say shave with it and let us know!! Might be good razors to pif!!
I like the smell of Clubman but SWMBO doesn't so I'm kinda breaking the rules a bit but when it's on me she'll change her mind.......:lol:
I will try the razor and give it a fair assessment. Right off the bat, you can't judge these against vintage gillette's or Merkurs but for a Chinese made product, it looks hopeful. I will report in due time.
I went into the nearest Sally's Beauty Supply - 15 miles away- for the first time and they were OUT of the DE razors; the nice lady clerk even went and checked back in the stockroom!

You know that would have been the first DE that I ever bought new in a store!

Let us know how it shaves ...
One of the nicer clerks said that they just got them last week and that aftershaves (Clubman & Bay Rum) has been selling more than usual. They also had shavettes and they only had Personna Blues in 5 packs for 2.99 (what a rip off) but we've become spoiled to the wonderful prices at other places.
The Ming Shi is not a bad razor. It's attempting to be a clone of a Gillette Superspeed. While it is nowhere near the quality of a vintage Gillette, it is made of solid steel, and has decent plating. There are far worst items on the market. The shave it gives is passable, but not as smooth as other razors. Still for being locally available, it's a decent enough item.
The Ming Shi is not a bad razor. It's attempting to be a clone of a Gillette Superspeed. While it is nowhere near the quality of a vintage Gillette, it is made of solid steel, and has decent plating. There are far worst items on the market. The shave it gives is passable, but not as smooth as other razors. Still for being locally available, it's a decent enough item.

Yeah, I read your posts on it from a couple years ago. They were good reads.
I'm loading a feather and going at it tonight.
Simpson Colonel (It's breaking-in quite nicely and am becoming familiar with its scrubby/soft characteristics)
Blade: Feather (based on others' experiences this was the way to go)
Cream: Mike's Barber Shop soap (it's hard to lather, once it gets going it's not bad.)
Aftershave Splash: Clubman (the scent neutralized a bit and left a pleasant gentlemanly scent. It's got a nice sweet burn. Good news there.)
Razor's Performance: At first glance, it's got the 3rd-world chrome finish with cosmetic imperfections. It sounds squeeky and loose when open and feels like a toy due to it's lightness. However, when closed, nothing is loose and the blade is securely held in place. It looks aggressive due to the curvy design of where the silo doors meet the safety bar. The head profile is lower to that of a 70's Super Speed which makes it a breeze to get under the nose. It can be a bit slippery due to the high-gloss pseudo-plating but a little pinch of alum allows you to keep a good grip. The long handle provides adequate balance and comfort.
I did 4 passes (WTG,XTG, ATG, Blade buffn', J-Hookn'). It was not benign and due to the lightness you can hear and feel the feedback, it's actually quite nice. Very smooth coupled with the Feather. Reminded me of an how an aluminum tech shaves with a feather. My beard growth is not thick but not thin by any means but I can see people with thick beards not responding well to this razor.
Comparing this razor to a vintage gillette or modern razor like a Merkur, EJ, or Muhle is an injustice. It's not in the same league but it's not a piece of trash if you know what you're getting.
For the price, it's great. I would recommend the Lord L6 before this as a starter but for a no-fuss TTO razor this could be a great starter too. If you can get this razor locally or want to PIF to a newbie, friend, or loved one I would recommend it.
Very cool Krona. I have one here in town that I'll have to step into tomorrow. Looks like the tide is moving in that direction. albiet slowly. Keep raising those cart prices and you'll see China quality, cheap labor soon duplicate old Gillette on the same price level as a single cart. China is no joke when it comes to mfg something on such a massive scale. Gillette better wake up....nah, keep doing what there doing.
Sally's outlets are all different. I checked one near here, and the only mens shave products were for African Americans, only.
I have tried just the one, next door to Target in a new Mall here (tore down an old mall on the site, started over). They had nothing for an anglo to shave with.
Perhaps you should look at this thread.


Yes, there are products directed to the black male for hair and skin conditions due to shaving. Even though I am not black, I use a product called Bump Fighter 2 when I get a mild case of shaving acne that can develop when the hairs do not grow back correctly. My situation is no where near as bad as some of the photos shown.

Here is some more on conditions and some products like Magic Shave.

I didn't know they made razors made for just black people? :lol:

I bought one because it's a clone of a TracII handle, but bulkier and heavier. There was no disposable in 1971, but the TracII seemed cheap and flimsy compared to any DE / SE / Injector, the same way a disposable feels so feeble when you pick it up. I wanted to re-try the TracII cartridges, and had an original handle, just didn't want to use it. I have no bump problems, whether I was Anglo or Black. The Bump Fighter has a nice handle by comparison. I got mine from WalMart.

The Sally's I looked into seemed quite small. There's another in a different direction I might visit, some day.
Ming Shi was my first DE razor, but I got mine from Shaving Factory. With any lower end blades they aren't that impressive, but with a sharper, smoother blade, they work pretty decently.
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