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Sailor Jerry's spiced aftershave

Just picked up a bottle of this stuff and i must say, i really like it, nice clean old school smell. Reminds me of an old barbershop, not quite bat rum and not quite aqua velva. Good stuff though. the girlfriend really likes it as well.
Got it at that lame store in the mall hot topic. seemed to be the only place that carried it. but being a tattoo artist i really wanted to give it a try
I'm definitely going to have to order a bottle to try...oh fyi any sailor jerry product can be order via their website sailorjerry.com except the rum itself sadly
I didn't know they made an aftershave! All this time I've been using the regular rum for just that. The rum has a good lasting scent too, it's been 5 hours since my shave and I can still smell hints of it.
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