Keeping with the SEptember theme , the Safety razor of the month of September will be the Gem Junior although all manufacturers and variations of the 1912 are welcome in this post. I personally love the 1912 because of the ergonomics and the quality of the shave . Everyone is welcome to post photos of their Juniors or 1912s. I will begin the post with photos of my Gem Junior and my Ever Ready 1912. Many , including myself , love the feedback created by these razors..
I got out my baton-handled Junior this morning for an excellent shave even with a well-used GEM stainless blade that I'd been using in my Star version of the Gem Junior Bar for at least 5 or 6 shaves already. I think that tomorrow I'll go back to the "Junior roots" and pull out my Gem Junior lather catcher.
I will post the information of the Radio razor as it was given to me by HoosierTrooper.
Radio razors were manufactured by the Reichard and Scheuber Mfg Co in New York. Jeremiah Reichard left the Kampfe Brothers in 1898 and formed Gem Cutlery and along with August Scheuber formed Reichard and Scheuber (R&S) Mfg Co in 1903. They made razors under various names including Yankee, Mohawk and Radio before becoming the Ever-Ready Co in 1905.