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Rusting Blades?

Hi, I've been flipping between 2 of my razors and left a 3rd "on standby" and I noticed that 2 of my razor blades have started to rust?!

Both claim to be stainless steel (Israeli Personna and Super-Max Super Stainless) I never knew stainless steel could rust? Do you think they are lying about what material the blades are made out of or is there any other reason they are rusting?


Stainless steel can rust. Just has to have the right conditions. Are you letting the blades dry or do you keep them in the wet razor? Are they kept in an area with good air circulation?
I normally use them, rinse them, give them a good shake before putting them back on display on the bathroom shelf.
I wouldn't say the rust was "bad" just surface rust which wiped off with a bit of tissue paper.
Do you have a small bathroom or is it open? My bath room is cramped and doesn't have an extractor fan so a lot of steam and condensation builds up in the air whenever anyone has a wash or a shower, I had to start keeping my razor in my bedroom because of it.
Do you have a small bathroom or is it open? My bath room is cramped and doesn't have an extractor fan so a lot of steam and condensation builds up in the air whenever anyone has a wash or a shower, I had to start keeping my razor in my bedroom because of it.

Yep, it's a box bog and my extractor fan does not work... I think we have found my problem although if my razor collection found it's way into the bedroom, I think I might wake up 1 morning without my family jewels... my wife hates my shaving collection bad enough as it is! lol
Yeah it wouldn't be nice to find out your Missus had em in her purse literally! XD

A box or cabinet will do the trick just make sure they're dry before putting them away they wont dry on their own without circulating air
A recent discussion about removing blades after each use can be found HERE. It's a topic that comes up quite regularly, and as you can see, some guys do, and some don't. I take the blade out every time, dry it off and store it in an airtight container until the next use. It has been pointed out many times before that a "stainless" blade can rust, as Chiller has just reported, and I figure a few seconds of maintenance can help keep the blade in good shape.
If your bathroom is the aforementioned "box bog", you will definitely prevent rust by removing the blade from the razor and patting it dry. Even if you're still leaving it the humidity, separating to two metals will make it take considerably longer to start rusting.
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